Worry ⫽Ike

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AU: Overworked Ikey

Warnings: None

Members: Ike

Ike has never been this tired these past few days or is it just he's being lazy. After streaming he went to bed quickly to sleep. He really needed a day off since a lot of things has been happening. Well that day came, a two day, day off. He was happy to have a day off since his schedule has been full for weeks. Two days without streaming and being with someone close to you for two days made him excited to just hangout with you, or maybe be on a date with you. After a few days later the days without streaming came. You decided to treat him because he's been working really hard these past weeks. It was like a café date, Ike really enjoyed having your accompany there.

"Ikey, you okay?"

"Not really, but I feel fine."

Time was passing by too quickly, after an hour or so it's already afternoon. Chatting, drinking (A drink you like).

After going to the café the both of you went home to rest. Few hours later, your head started to hurt. You didn't tell Ike, you knew he would worry on what was happening with you. After all it's his Day off, you didn't want to stress him out even more than streaming. You went on the bed lying down, Ike went in after taking a shower. Scrolling through your phone you see a text saying "Hey, why are you not answering my calls?". You couldn't read the name. You asked Ike to read it for you. There wasn't a name, Ike started to question "who is that". You couldn't also read it so you just said "I have no idea".

Few hours went by, it's evening. You started cooking as usual, suddenly your head hurts again. You stopped for a minute or two, but Ike saw you. He was getting anxious on what was going on with you so he asked.

"Are you okay?"

You didn't reply since the pain was getting worse. Maybe you were also overworked too, you didn't think you were overworked since you had breaks in between 3 hours. Your vision started to get blurry. Ike was asking you over and over again to get a response from you but instead you became unconscious.

Few hours later. It's already morning, waking up to a white room, a hospital room. Ike was beside you, sleeping. You were just staring at the ceiling waiting for Ike to wake up. Ike finally woke up after a few minutes. He was worried about you.

He was looking after you the whole day.

But, Was This All A Dream?

T.B.C maybe?



Made this in grass for a couple minutes


-2023 Juno

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