Totally normal morning || Ike Eveland

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AU: Childhood besties

Livers: Ike Eveland


A tiring day at work, you've finally arrived home to Ike. It's pretty late so you went right to your room. You were quite surprised that Ike wasn't sleeping at the time, he was just laying on your bed scrolling through his phone. He didn't even notice you were already home, seeing him shocked was pretty cute. 

You laid on the bed with him, the soft bed pulls you into slumber. 

The morning sun greets your face as you wake up. Ike wasn't on the bed for some reason. Maybe he was in the bathroom? You rushed to the living because you were too lazy to make your own breakfast. Ike suddenly jumped on the couch with his caviar toast which made you jump. 

Both of you just watched some series after that and cuddled out of boredome.




I guess overworking your ass affects the way you think

Its like 4Am for me here and ive been working for my damned projects for the past 4 hours <3

Anyways server update: soon to be published 

Sorry if this was short i had to finish my projects since they were due today 

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