You thought? || Vox

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Au: (i forgot)

Livers included: Mysta RIASS.



Mysta Pov

Another day.. It already feels like torture looking at the wall, the black stone wall. It's already raining? It's fucking 10 in the morning. It's too early to do detective shit.. Someone knocked on the door, Milord went inside the room, he started slapping the shit out of you. "What the fuck man" I said to Milord

"Wake up, you have things to do" Milord said

"I want to sleep, go away" i replied without thinking

"I'll let you sleep for another hour, when it's 11, wake up and go into my room"

What a way to already ruin the day, atleast more sleep. A door kept on opening from the other side of the room. Did someone break in again..

 "For fucks sake Vox.. Stop opening the doors"

Vox Pov

It's 10:07 is Mysta up already? It came up to my mind. The door keeps getting opened.. Something sus is happening, someone broke in again. You went into Mysta's room to wake him.


"It's not even 11-"

"Someone broke in again."

"Can we just lock them up, no interrogation, let them die in a wet puddle"


"Then fuck you, I'm staying in bed"

I pulled off the sheets.

Your Pov

You've been going in and out the rooms trying to get captured. Your plan sounds stupid, just to see Vox. The two are still fighting, you just went in the room they were in. 




You blacked out

Locked in a cell, the cold wet floor. Hancuffed to the rails. Vox came at the right timing.

"You thought we wouldn't notice?"

Your face started to get warm

"What were you planning to steal. And why were you snooping around the castle mindlessly."

"Well.. What I was trying to steal  was.. Your heart, I'm joking. I'm just lost. I'm an outsider"

"You look red, are you sick?" Vox got closer to you, you started to get even redder. "Or, are you just flustered."

"..." Nothing came out of your mouth 

"You don't seem like an outsider. Are you just here to lose your virginity? If you are, looks like you ran into a dead end. Like a rat stuck in a trap, just remember, you can't get whatever you want in life."

And he just left, he left me to rot.


Im so fucking tired i can pass out any minute

I barely got sleep 

Notes will be added when i have energy

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