Sleep || Ike

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Au: Cat Ikey, dog Mysta and Luca (。﹏。)

Warning(s): None

Member(s): Ike, Mysta, Luca 

Ah, another day for resting, well it's your day off today so you spent time with your "cat" or so you thought. The "cat" would always sleep on  your lap, like it would make you go to a room without the dogs. Well it's a "cat" after all, well it's not really a cat, it's half cat and half human  same for the "dogs".

Atleast for now the four of you are just sleeping in the same room, Ike sleeping on your lap, Mysta sleeping under Luca, Luca sleeping ontop of Mysta and on your pillow. All the four of you slept so soundly when all of a sudden the rain and thunder got more worse after an hour or so. Ikey was still asleep while the other two were cuddling you out of fear. When the rain had stopped Ike woke up to the both "dogs" cuddling him because you were in the kitchen making food, well it's 7:59 after all. The three had a chat about what happened earlier then you came in to tell the it's time to eat. After you all ate you just watched something on your phone while Ike is still on your lap, the two "dogs" were playing something on your switch. What a wonderful evening  


Hi, I'm finally back after who knows how many days has it been. 

This is uh a birthday special for Ike I guess because woke up late again and forgot today was his birthday 

more notes will be added soon when my brain is functioning

Thank you for reading, have a good day/afternoon/evening or night!

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