Going out || Mysta

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Au: Mysta and Vox live near each other

Warnings: none

Members: Mysta & Vox


You saw Mysta going out of the house, "Where are you going?" you asked him.  He told you that he was going to the park to meet a friend, he also asked you if you wanted to come with him. You agreed to come because he said you apparently know this guy. You quickly changed then hurried to the door. 

At the park

Mysta pulled out his phone, he seems to be texting someone. You took a little peek who he was texting,


Yo where are you?


Look behind you 😳


Theres no one wdym



Btw are you next to a girl who's wearing (color)?




Who is she??


Just go here


"Vox!" Mysta ran towards the guy, you asked them if you can go somewhere for a bit since someone called you. Few minutes later you came back. 

"Uh hey sorry.. My friend needed help needed something. haha" You said nervously

"It's okay, oh, and, by the way this is my girlfriend, Y/n. Y/n this is my friend from the agency I work in." Mysta introduced you to Vox

"Damn, your no longer maidenless" Vox said

"shut up" Mysta being pissed

At Home


Mysta took off his shirt, face planted on the bed while you look through your phone. Today was fun wasn't it? You laid down the bed with Mysta, still on your phone. Mysta suddenly grabbed your phone. 

"Stop texting will youuu, I want cuddles"

"That, that is the most bottom thing I heard you say all these months." 

"Oh, shut up. Says the one who's the bottom"

"Ah- Excuse me? You know what, forget it. I'll give you what you want, but you have to be quiet tomorrow for your stream okay?"

"Fine" kisses you on the forehead

The both of you slowly drift to sleep as the raindrops fall.



Hello I am alive, motivated (this is my first time to publish this at not a very late hour It's 4:04 PM (i forgot to put it)  when I publish this)

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Hello I am alive, motivated (this is my first time to publish this at not a very late hour It's 4:04 PM (i forgot to put it)  when I publish this)

Also thank you for 1k on Ink and Quill and 20 followers!!

I will try to update my books more frequently than usual!

Thank you for reading..! Please have a good day!!

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