Trauma || Luca

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Au: Father & Mafia Au 

Livers: Ike, Lucy

Warnings: Blood, Angst, swearing

Boss really is mean and evil...

(Who did he have you with omg 😰)



The rain dripping and dripping again and again.. The rain looks rather peaceful, yet it causes havoc in many different ways. As the rain drips on the front gate, here in this room having heated arguments, yelling, throwing things, threatening. You and your father haven't really been on good terms as of late. 

Your Uncle, Ike went in the room to check in on the commotion from above. As he went in the room he heard and saw broken glass right at the door, when he went in, you were about to throw something at your father, Luca, but Ike stopped you from doing it. Blood dripping on your cheek from a small piece of glass. Broken glass shattered everywhere, a gun on the floor soon to get picked up, yelling, this just looks like something familiar to you. 

This scene reminded you of something in the past, it's rather hazy to remember, it was years ago when this scene was created. It looks like it was a black haired  woman fighting with your father. As soon as your father picked up the gun and pointed it at you, the urge of crying suddenly came. "Wasn't family supposed to support each other in times like these..?" the sentence went up to your head. You started crying. Ike was still making Luca turn away from this, your tears fall down with the rain. You ran outside to get some fresh air from all of this. Your Aunt, Lucy found you crying outside in the pouring rain. To be honest, Lucy had always been a mother figure for you. She's always been there for you when you need help unlike your father who's always been busy in his work. 

All you've been taught is to fight, self defense, sneaking away. I mean if it ever came to that point where your father isn't there your prepared. Luca went straight out to find you after he calmed down. He saw you in Lucy's hands crying, bleeding. Has it always been like this? Or maybe he finally came into his senses to finally go spend time with you.

"Luca! What did you do! I thought you promised me that you'll never hurt your daughter after that fight!" Lucy scolded Luca

Your tears grew faster as they argue

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to even hurt him/her! I've just been just so fucked these weeks..." Luca said solemnly

This went on for minutes, when Luca got closer he hugged you just to try to comfort you.


Parr 2 Might be added

Hi so uh as you've seen I have school tomorrow 

I will still keep on writing regularly and taking breaks in a regular basis when a lot of things get a little too hectic

Ink and Quill will not be updated since I'm going to be busy But I'll try to when all of my project are finished

Thank you for reading! Have a good day!

Thank you for reading! Have a good day!

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