Me? No..Never || Luca Fem! reader

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AU: Mafia AU, Your Luca's assistant 

Livers: Luca Ft. Kanekuro & Lucy

Warnings: Fighting, swearing


While walking down the hall you heard some glass shattering, it was in Luca's study. You went in to check, you saw Kanekuro and Luca fighting. I means it's normal for them to fight but they both had bruises all over their bodies. You immediately call Lucy to stop them, you kinda helped her a little bit. 

After that Lucy dragged Kanekuro out of Luca's study. Luca went back to his "puppy" personality when he was with you. Something Sus is happening, he was being all brave a while ago now that he's with you he's a complete puppy now. 

"Hey boss- I mean Luca.. Why were you and..uh... Kanekuro fighting again?" I asked Luca while I was cleaning his wounds and bruises. He didn't answer, he must be troubled or... is he jealous? You've never seen him like this, probably because Kanekuro has been asking a lot lately-

"Hey boss, can I ask you something?" I asked


"Are you jealous?"

"Me..? No- NEVER! POG"



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