No Longer an Island of Paradise

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Your boyfriend Colby and his best friends from high school, Sam, Nate and Alex went on their annual trip like they did every year, but this time to hawaii. Colby invited you along this time, and of course you agreed to go.
In the middle of the trip Nate had brought up an old friend called, Trey, who he used to know when he lived in Utah, saying we should visit him.
"Man i don't remember this guy?" you hear Colby say as you sit down on the sand next to an all girls volleyball tournament.
You scoot closer to Colby putting your hand around his bicep and resting your head on his shoulder.
"he was at that party that my roommate and i went to with you guys..." Nate says trying to rack Colby's brain to remember him
"Oh yeah i remember him.." you pipe up "cool dude..and those eyes.."
"Babe...shhh..." Colby says
"I'd be down to make a visit...sounds like a cool place.." you say nodding
You guys made your way across the border (illegally might i add) and towards Trey's mansion. The five of you finally pull up out the front of a massive and amazing spooky mansion and you hear a small sigh leave Colby's lips.
"Baby??" you say making him turn his head towards you
"hm?" he asks checking you out
"don't stress okay...i know you don't like him but we are here for a few hours then we will be on our way back to the cabana.." you nod placing a soft kiss on his cheek and get out of the car
As you make your way inside a weird feeling comes over you.
Hours pass and you can see Colby was getting more and more restless. You stand over near him feeling him pull you back into him and he rests his chin on your shoulder.
"Hey Georgia...i just need some air.." you say as you grab Colby's hand and lead him outside and once the door was shut you crash your lips into his HARD
You instantly feel him relax and melt into the kiss and his hands grip your waist, gently squeezing. I slowly pull away as he groans.
"Relax alright..." you sigh stroking his cheek
"I just..." he starts to say
"Shhh I know.." you smile
As the next few hours pass by you start to feel a little crazy and out of your mind.

- time skip -

you are standing on the outer rim of a pentagram as your boyfriend and his two friends were strapped to floor inside of it.
You smirk as Colby comes to and tries to get his arms out of the restraints, his widening when he realises he can't.
"y/n...what are you d-doing..." he stutters
"What god has asked me to do...or more like satan Colbs..." you smirk straddling his hips holding a knife against his neck
"B-baby this isn't you...i know that you are in there...remember when i invited you on this trip...remember when you fell asleep on my shoulder at the beach...the kiss you gave me to calm me down come on i know you are in there...this isn't you...come back to me..." he starts to cry
And just as quick as this evil took over you, it subsided. Your eyes well up with tears, as you see how you had a knife to the love of your life's throat.
"C-Colby..." you sob dropping the knife
"Yes's get us out of these restraints..." he nods
You nod too and undo their restraints, throwing your arms around your boyfriends neck, hugging him tightly. You break down, soaking his top with your tears.
"Come on let's get you out of here hey?" he says kissing the top of your head
You nod unable to speak and you all run out of the satanic dungeon.

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