The Witches Forest

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You go to the Witches Forest with your boyfriend, Colby, and his roommates. You help them set up camp and Sam wanted to do a ritual.
"now you guys brought something important to burn..." he asks
Everyone else showed theirs and then it was your turn.
"i brought a photo of my parents...because i grew up in foster care and my real biological parents gave me up just so they didn't have to look.." you start to say as you start to tear up
Colby wraps his arm around you and pulls you close
"hey it's don't need them baby.." he says softly
Jake gives you a hug as well, then you go back to Colby cuddling up to him.
While the 5 of you did the ritual, you felt Colby shoot upright.You jump startled.
"Baby what's wrong?" you ask
You see him moving about and then he gets up and starts sprinting off. You jump up and start to follow him. Sam quickly grabs you
"COLBY!!!" you scream
"shhh y/n he will be back, he has to be!" sam says trying to calm you down
"shut up Sam he could fucking die out there..." you snap
Sam steps back as he sees you getting angry but then you start to calm down, even more tears running down your face
"you're right i'm sorry.." you sigh hugging him
"we will wait 30 minutes then we can go look for him, okay?" he nods rubbing your back
"mhm" you hum

**30 minutes**
You get up and go running into the forest, trying to adjust your eyes to how dark it was.
You continue running, you stop as you see something moving in the distance. A shadow?
OMG ITS HIM you think
The thing turns and starts to run towards you, soon you come to realise that it's not Colby and you scream.
All of a sudden out of nowhere Colby comes out of the trees, hugging you.
"baby, oh my god are you okay?" he asks not letting you go
You just break down crying in his arms, completely broken
"i-i thought that i lost you!" you cry
"never baby!" he sighs "come on let's get back to the guys"
You both walk back to the campfire and the guys all hug you both.
"Colby what the hell dude?" Jake scoffs
"i thought i saw a shadow then halfway down the track i lost it...i'm so sorry guys.." he says still holding onto you rubbing your back

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