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You wake up in absolute agony, running to the bathroom to vomit in the toilet.
It must be THAT time of the month... you think to yourself
You see this ALWAYS happens to you whenever your period comes along. Nausea, breast tenderness, excruciating cramps, needing to shit constantly.
You throw up in the toilet and then sit with your back against the wall, sobbing your eyes out. You quickly grab your phone and struggle to type your boyfriends number in, so you end up using siri.
"hey Colby.." you cry out in pain
It rings a couple of times and then you hear his voice.
"hey kitten..." he says smiling
"C-Colby i need you..." you sob
"baby what's going on?" he asks growing concerned
"i h-have my p-p-p-period.." you cry
"okay baby...i just need to go to the store then i'll be there to shower you with love?" he says softly
You just hang up. You go into the kitchen, finding it difficult to walk because of how much pain you were in. You boil the kettle and get a hot water bottle, filling it up and shoving it down the sweatpants that you were wearing.
Seconds later, there was a knock at the door. You groan and limp over to the door, opening it to see your gorgeous boyfriend behind it.
"Hi princess.." he sighs pulling you into a gentle hug
"H-hi.." you sniff
"Now I brought you some ice cream, chocolate, strawberries, bottles of water because i know how much you hate drinking tap water...and titanic...or we can watch youtu.." he starts to say before you cut him off with a passionate kiss
He smiles holding your waist gently and kisses back leaning back against your kitchen bench. You pull away and smile up at him.
"Thank you baby.."
"Mmm anything for let's get your cute ass on the couch so we can watch some tv!" he smile picking you up bridal style and taking you to the couch
You giggle and pull him down for a soft kiss and then pull away
"i love you Mr Brock..." you smile
"i love you too Miss y/l/n" he smiles back

Colby Brock Imagines Where stories live. Discover now