The Biltmore

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You go over to your boyfriend's apartment, because he texted you saying he has news. You sigh gently and knock on the door.
"hey gorgeous!" he beams gently kissing you when he opens the door
"mmm hey handsome, what's up?" you ask walking inside
"so i have some news..." he says
"mmm what is it?" you ask getting orange juice out of his fridge
You feel his hands grip your sides gently and you smile, feeling wet kisses along your shoulders.
"you want to tell me before your clothes get torn off or?" you chuckle
"mmmhm so we are going to a haunted hotel!" he smiles
"we as in you and the boys right?" you laugh
"" he says nervously
"babe no.." you say
"please y/n.." he whines
you sigh "where are we going?"
"the uh the biltmore..." he says biting his lip gently
"nope no way..." you say shaking your head starting to tear up
"hey i'll be're going to be okay?" he nods grabbing your face gently
You just shake your head looking down
"look at me baby.." he sighs lifting your chin up
"what Colby?!" you snap
"you are going to be in safe hands and if you feel uncomfortable or anything happens we can hightail it out of there.." he nods
You just sniff as a tear rolls down your cheek. He sighs and wipes the tears away.

**outside of the hotel**

You feel Colby's hand gently rest on your thigh.
"guys can we have a minute?" he says looking back in the revision mirror at Corey, Jake and Sam
"yeah come on guys..." Sam nods knowing about what happened here
You just sit in the front seat of Colby's red corolla, as the other three get out.
As soon as they do, Colby turns to look at you.
"babe i can drive you home?" he sighs
"Cole for fuck sakes...i'm fucking fine, alright?" you snap at him pissed off
"baby..." he sighs
"no's fine...i'm here now and i can't keep pretending that something bad didn't happen here...i can't keep blocking it out?!" you say starting to cry
"babe...they loved know that right?" Colby says kissing your hand gently
You just nod, kissing him as his phone goes off. He checks it.
"Sam checked us in...let's get inside?" he nods
You nod as well and get out of the car, grabbing your bag, completely ignoring Colby.
You all walk up to your room, as Corey stops in the middle of the hallway.
"guys maybe we shouldn't be here...i can sense something bad is going to happen.." Corey says partially scared
"wait you can sense that something is going to happen?" Colby asks
"guys where did y/n go?" Jake asks looking around
They all go searching for you, as Corey stops dead in his tracks seeing you looking at a picture of the Black Dahlia.
"found her...she's looking at the picture of Elizabeth Short." Corey nods over to you
Colby runs over to you, seeing that you're out of it, kind of like you were in some sort of trance. He shakes your shoulder gently, making you jump.
" okay?" he asks worried
"yes of course i am hun, why wouldn't i be?" you say confused and light headed
"because i know what this place means to you y/n" Colby blurts out
You just roll your eyes, knowing this was going to start an argument.
"wait...Colby what do you mean?" Corey asks confused
"yeah tell us what's going on?" Jake says looking between you and Colby
Colby glances over to you, you nod and you hear him breathe heavily.
"Elizabeth Short is y/n's third aunt...then a couple years ago her parents came here to try and figure out what happened to her...then they also got murdered..." Colby nods
"can we stop talking about this now?" you ask getting upset
"yeah baby...sorry.." he sighs pulling you close to him
You hug him from the side
The five of you make your way up to the hotel room, Sam checked you all into. You open the door and sigh, feeling Colby's hand gently touch your lower back.
"it feels weird being here.." you say softly
"yeah i can only imagine hun.." he says back
You see a random door placed in the apartment and raise a brow.
"dare me to open it guys?" you say to the boys
"yeah why not?" Sam says filming
You tug on the doorknob and it opened onto an elevator.
"woahhhh babe come here and look at how old this is!" you gasp
Colby goes in with the camera and tries to make it work.
"anything brother?" Sam asks
"nope nothing.." Colby sighs
"bummer!" you sigh
Corey laughs
"this is the presidential suite so the presidents would of come in here with their cigars and been like 'hmmmm' and then there's us being like 'why isn't the elevator working?!'" he says jumping up and down like a kid throwing a tantrum
You all laugh
"that...was fucking funny...nice one brother!" Jake chuckles
"yeah i agree!" you laugh finally feeling safe with your four favourite idiots around you
You can feel Colby's arm coil around your waist, and a soft kiss being placed on the top of your head. You cuddle up to him from the side.

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