A Sexual Encounter

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You were going over to your mutual friend Colby's place, you met him through your friend Jake Webber. I mean you have met him tons of times but you two never really spoke that much, whenever you did see each other in person.
You go up in the elevator, holding a bag of tender greens. You make your way down to his apartment and knock on the door, waiting outside of it patiently.
You fix your hair, just as the door opens and Colby smiles at you
"y/n, right?" he asks kindly
"correct!" you smile
"nice to finally get some one on one time with you!" he beams
"yeah you too handsome...uh where do you want this?" you ask nervously holding up the bag of tender greens
"oh uh here.." he says taking it from you "come in"
You nod and make your way into his apartment. It was nice and cosy, spiral stairs lead up to a little landing where he edited his videos. You take in your surroundings and then look at him.
"i wasn't sure what you wanted so i just got my favourite.." you laugh nervously
"it looks great, so don't stress please" he smiles reassuringly
you just nod again and make your way over to his couch, sitting down.
"so did you want to watch a movie or?" he asks joining you
"i don't mind.." you nod his amazing aroma going up your nostrils
keep it in your pants y/n you barely know this guy you think to yourself
"so Jake tells me that you are a youtuber?" you say taking a bite out of your burrito
"yeah...i am, what about you?" he asks doing the same giving a slight groan afterwards to how good it was "amazing choice by the way"
"thanks uh don't make fun of me but i'm trying to get into the acting world.." you laugh blushing
"that's amazing" he smiles kindly
okay i'm kinda falling hard now you think to yourself
You bite your lip gently, placing both of your plates on the coffee table
"hey whatcha doing?" he asks confused
You get up straddling his lap and gently crashing your lips into his. You feel him relax into the kiss and his hands slipping up under your skirt slightly. You start to slowly grind your hips into his, hearing a small groan escape his lips, after which you pull away.
"sorry i uhm...i shouldn't of..." you stutter
"don't be...i've been wanting to do that for ages.." he chuckles kissing your neck gently
"wait...do me on the floor?" you gasp
He nods and let's you get up and watches as you lie on the floor. You watch him as he takes his jeans and boxers off, then your underwear flinging them to somewhere in the apartment.
He lines up to your entrance and slowly kisses you and he thrusts into you slowly. A small moan escaping your lips.
"FUCK COLBY!" you moan lying your head back against the rug spread across his living room floor
He groans softly, holding your hips as he fucks you a bit faster and harder. Your moans start to get louder and louder.
"YES BABY!" you scream and you push your hips into his rocking them along to his thrusts
"i want you to fucking ride me babe.." he groans pulling out and lying down on the floor looking up at you
You smirk, straddling his hips once again and you start rotating your hips in a small circle. His grip tightening on your waist, helping you to ride him.
"BABY FUCK!" he moans loudly
"RIGHT THERE FUCK COLBY!" you moan kissing him roughly as you ride him harder and faster
You feel him twitch inside you and you lean closer to his ear
"i want you to cum for me.." you whisper
That did the trick because seconds later he released inside of you, you did the same around him.
You both stay in your positions, slightly panting, trying to catch your breaths.

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