The Haunted Hospital

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Your older brother, Sam, asked you to join him and his friends on one of their paranormal investigation trips, you of course accepted.
"what's up guys it's Sam and Colby...and today we are at Waverley Hills Sanatorium..." Sam says
You're off on the sidelines watching them do their thing in their intro, your eyes slightly locking with Colby's, your ex boyfriend.
"you okay?" he mouths to you
you just nod and look away from him

**minutes later**

You and Colby are walking at the back of the group, you hear him sigh softly.
"look y/n...i'm sorry that it didn't work out between us?" he says quietly
you give him a fake smile "it's okay Colbs...things happen for a reason right, that's just life?"
You hear something make a noise behind you, making you jump into Colby's arms.
"oh uh it's only a raccoon.." you laugh nervously getting down blushing
"we should catch up to the group.." he nods scratching the back of his neck nervously
Inside of a worn down building the tour guide was standing near a closed coffin.
"now who wants to get in here?" he says looking at all of us
"I will!" Colby smiles
"be careful bu...Colby.." you say
he just smiles at you "don't worry about me, okay?" he nods
you just nod back
you watch as he climbs in and lies down, the tour guide slowly closing the lid again. He shreaks and you nervously bite your nails.
Sam steps forward and bangs on it as a joke, everyone but you started laughing.
"guys cut it out you're scaring him!" you say kinda pissed off
"sis chill we are only joking around with him.." Sam says
"yeah y/n stop getting your panties in a twist..." Kat scoffs
you just walk off sniffing about to cry.
why is everyone acting like i'm the fucking bad guy in all of this...the breakup was mutual... you think to yourself as a tear rolls down your cheek
"hey hey hey...i'm okay...look y/n i'm not hurt or anything!" Colby says running over to you grabbing your face
you just break down crying in his arms, hugging him tight, gripping the back of his jumper. He glared at the rest of the guys and rubs your back gently.
"e-everyone ha-hates me.." you cry
"no they don't hun..." he sighs making you look at him wiping your tears away
Everyone else passes you both, Sam starts to make fun of you for worrying about Colby so much. Anger builds up inside you and your hand forms a tight fist, not long after Josh rests his hand on your lower back.
"come on y/n...they aren't worth it" he says gently
you can feel Colby glaring at him, especially since his hand was on your body. Josh glances over at Colby, confused as to why he was mad. You look at the both of them, and sigh.
"guys come on you're making her feel worse..." Sam says seeing you getting anxious
Colby shoots daggers into Josh and his hands form tight fists. He squares up to him, getting in his face.
"stay the fuck away from y/n, you got that Joshua?!" he says shoving him backwards hard
you step over to Sam scared, who puts his arm around you. Katrina holds your hand gently.
"oh yeah...what will happen if i don't?" Josh scoffs punching Colby square in the nose
Colby wipes some of the pouring blood away from his nose with a scowl "or i will fucking kill you!"
Josh laughs "when will you get it through your thick skull two are over...i love y/n...always have...always will!"
Colby glances at you, seeing you not even looking at the two of them anymore, snuggled up into Sam, crying. He goes over to see if you were okay. Josh grabs him and shoves him into a near by wall.
"guys come on're scaring her..." Sam says
"yeah Colby enough...just let me have her and it will all be over.." Josh smirks
Colby hurls himself at Josh and his closed fist connects with Josh's nose, making it gush blood. He spits blood onto the floor nearby. Josh falls to the floor and Colby runs over to you.
"baby..." he sighs
you just turn and hug him tight, half scared to death. you just sob into him.
"i'm so sorry Josh.." you cry not letting go of Colby
Josh just looks at both of you upset and leaves the building altogether.
Colby just sighs, looking at Sam, holding you close to him.
"i think we should call it a day guys..." Sam sighs

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