The Infirmary

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Your boyfriend, Colby, invited you along to one of the haunted locations him and Sam were exploring for their youtube channel.
"Baby..i don't know it's kind of yours and Sam's thing..." you sigh
"Y/n's going to be so much fun!" he pleads looking at you with puppy dog eyes
"Okay fine.." you sigh giving in

- time skip -

During the tour around the Fairfield Infirmary you continue to grip Colby's hand tight, meaning you were a bit scared. All of a sudden you feel his arm wrap around your shoulders tight and you cuddle up to him from his side, feeling him kiss the top of your head as he listened to the guide.
"Now these chains were up here so Williams could torture his victims and leave them shackled up here for months at a time.." the guide nodded
Colby smirked at this
"I guess you'll be my victim tonight then babe.." he whispered into your ear sending chills down your spine
After the tour had wrapped up Colby let go of you. Sam and Nate decided to leave the room and go and explore.
"Bro you coming?" Nate asks turning to you two
"Nah i gotta talk to y/n.." Colby nodded making you raise a brow at him
"Cool we will be in the torture room!" Sam smiles
You both nod as they waltz out of the room. Instantly Colby had you pinned to the wall by your neck as he hungrily kissed down your neck and to your collarbone.
You bit your lip so it could stop any noise that decided to come out randomly.
"Baby what about th-the guys?" you stutter once he found your sweet spot
"They're downstairs they can't hear us..." he says his hands lifting up your hoodie to get to your belt
You watch as he has a hard time trying to get it undone, a small chuckle escaping your lips.
"i brought something.." you smirk going over to your purse muttering to yourself, finally finding and pulling out some red fluffy handcuffs "wanna cuff me up daddy..."
He smirks walking over and grabbing them, then taking your hand gently leading you over to the chain, handcuffing you to it
"You want me to make you cum baby..." he teases you
You smirk nodding "yes please daddy..make me scream for you so the others can hear!"
He smirks undoing his gucci belt and undoing his pants. He then returns to yours, after a few minutes of struggling he finally gets your belt undone and next thing you know..your pants were off. He takes you in and tears off your underwear with a swift pull, picking you up, you wrap your legs around his waist as he slowly starts to thrust into you.
"C-Colby shit!" you moan softly as you head falls back against the wall
His soft groans filling your head with all the naughty things you wanted to do to him later. His thrusts got faster and faster that means your moaning got louder.
"COLBY FUCK ME RIGHT THERE...FUCK FUCK FUCK...BABY DONT STOP...RIGHT THERE...SHIT!!" you scream your orgasm coming over you as you roughly kiss him
You feel him get sloppy as he releases into you and breathes heavily as you both pull away.
"Mmm fuck..." you say as he puts you down
Your legs give out a little bit and his strong arms wrap around you undoing the handcuffs.
"You okay..." he asks softly
"Mmm yeah been a while since we were that rough is all...i'll be good though.." you nod
He nods in response "I love you y/n.."
"I love you too Cole..." you smile

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