The replacement

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You go over to your ex boyfriend's house and as soon as you walk in the door you see a blonde slutty looking bitch making out with him on the sofa.
"wow Colbs i knew you were shallow...but her really..." you scoff putting the tender greens down on the counter
"oh y/n i want you to meet Chantelle...Chantelle this is my best friend y/n..." Colby says clearing his throat
"yeah yeah nice to meet you Skanktelle..." you roll your eyes
"babe you're just going to let her talk to me like that?!" Chantelle says kissing Colby's neck
You stand there with a look of disgust on your face
"no i'm not...y/n be nice..." he sighs
"be nice to replacement...a month is all it took for you to move on Colby?!" you say heartbroken
"y/n it's not.." he sighs again
you just shake your head.
"just a heads up babes...he gets bored of his lovers very quickly so don't get too attached.." you scoff and walk out of the apartment slamming his door
You hear the door open and close again.
"y/n the fuck was that..." Colby says annoyed
"me expressing how i fucking are in there eating some whores face off, not even a month after YOU ended shit with me, saying you weren't ready for a relationship and here i am heartbroken and alone wondering what i did wrong to deserve to be treated like shit..." you snap breaking down into tears
"y/n i..." he sighs pulling you into a hug
"don't worry about it..." you sniff hugging him tight
he sighs and looks down at you
"i love you so know that right?" he says wiping the tears from your eyes
you just nod and kiss his cheek walking away

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