The Video

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Your boyfriend, Colby, was going over to Sam's apartment to record a video and was being an absolute pain in the ass, practically begging you to come along.
"baby please?!" he whines clasping his hands together
"Colbs I have to stay here and edit.." you laugh at how pathetic he was
"please i don't want to be there without your cute little ass cheering me on from the sidelines!" he pouts giving you puppy dog eyes
You groan "fine but can i be in at least one video with you guys?"
"nope sorry princess it's truth or time you can though!" he beams
"hmmm fine.." you smile grabbing his hand and going next door to Sam's apartment
"OMG Y/N HI!" jake yells running over and hugging you
"HI WEBSTER!" you giggle as he picks you up and spins you around
Colby just stands there laughing and shaking his head
"omg hi are you going to be in the video?" he asks with a huge grin
"i would love to but dad said no!" you smirk at Colby

**minutes later**

"what's up guys it's your boy sam, and today me and the guys are playing truth or boys you know the rules a heap of truths and dares are in this red hat and you pick one out and yeah we will go from there!" Sam smiles
Colby glances over at you part way through the video, blowing you a goofy ass kiss. You can't help but smile at how dorky your boyfriend was. A huge smile spreads across his face and you can tell you meant the world to him just by the way he looked at you.
You play on your phone for the rest of the video.

**half hour later**

You hear the door to Sam's spare room open and look up to see Colby putting his hoodie on.
"come on princess time to go" he smiles
You nod and jump on his back
"BYE GUYS!" you call out as you and Colby go back to his apartment

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