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You're at your boyfriend's shared house with his housemates, who were throwing a party.
To be honest it was the aftermath of the party, you were helping a drunk Colby clean up the empty beer bottles so they didn't have to do it the next morning.
"hey y/n...you want to come hang out at mine this weekend again?" you hear a familiar voice say
You turn to see Josh and smile
"yeah sure...last saturday was fun!" you smile
Colby stands up and glares at the both of you
"wait wait wait...why are you going to his place on the weekend?" he slurs wobbling a bit
"because Colby...it's either that or stay here and get ignored by you like always..." you scoff
"yo buddy get the FUCK over here.." he spits at Josh
"babe do.." you start to say
"no no y/n...josh get your fucking ass over here?!" he yells
"what Cole?!" he sighs walking over to him
"you been fucking my girl?" he snarls squaring up to him
"no Colby.." he says
"HAVE YOU BEEN FUCKING MY GIRL?!" he yells pushing him back hard
"no Colby i promise i have..." Josh starts to say
"YOU FUCKED MY FUCKING GIRL!" he says throwing a right hook connecting with his nose
"COLBY!" you scream covering your mouth with your hands
Josh fell to the floor
"get up...you fucking pussy!" Colby spits
"okay okay okay..." Josh says getting up blood pouring from his nose "look i didn't..."
"shut the fuck up bro..." he snarls
"well maybe if you weren't such an asshole to her she wouldn't be bouncing on my dick every other night..." Josh smirks
"right you're a fucking dead man.." Colby says about to punch him again
You bite your lip and then do the stupidest thing you've ever done and step in front of him, grabbing his face roughly kissing him. You feel the tenseness and anger completely leave his body as he melts into your touch.
"i didn't fuck him okay...i love you Brock..." you whisper
he just nods and kisses you again

Colby Brock Imagines Where stories live. Discover now