Kiddy Time

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Your best friend, Colby, was coming over to see you and your 3 year old daughter, Kira, who might I add he ADORED.
You see, you told Kira that Colby was her dad and he was totally fine with that because little did you know he was MADLY in love with you.
It was another night of fighting with Kira to get her into bed.
"I WANNA STAY UP TO SEE DADDY!" she screams throwing a tantrum
Seconds later, there was a knock at the door. You go and answer it, seeing Colby and hug him tightly.
"hey gorgeous.." he says rubbing your back
"h-hi.." you sigh
"what's u..." he starts to say
"DADDY!!!" Kira screams running over to him
"MUNCHKIN!" he says back picking her up
"hi!" she giggles
"hey you!!" he smiles
He looks over to you, making her some choccy milk, and sees how run down and tired you are.
"Colby can you please put her to bed.." you say exhausted
"but mummy..." she whines
"KIRA BEDTIME NOW!" you yell accidentally
You hear her sniff and start crying. You sigh and go over to her.
"Kira bear...i'm sorry babygirl.." you say
Colby nods taking her to bed and then comes back out, minutes later, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
"what's up?" he asks rubbing your sides
"it's nothing.." you lie
"you just yelled at something has to be up.." he says turning you around
"it's Robert...he called asking for full custody of Kira again today...Colby i can't take this anymore..he can't fucking have her.." you say finally being able to break down crying
He sighs and just hugs you, rocking back and forth. After moments of silence, he speaks up
"i mean i don't want him having her either...i mean who else am i going to make strawberry, banana, chocolate chip pancakes with...i mean theres you but you stink at making them!" he smirks down at you
You laugh playfully hitting him "jerk"
He chuckles picking you up bridal style
"you're a hopeless romantic...i'm not even your girlfriend Brock!" you giggle
He smirks dropping you onto the floor. You groan from the impact and then smirk up at him, sweeping his leg out from under him making him fall on top of you.
"get off me you fat lump..." you laugh
"what did you just call me?!" he says pretending to be shocked and then starts tickling you
"COLBY NO!" you squeal rolling around on the floor cackling
You flip on top of him pinning his hands on either side of his head. You can feel your pulse pumping through your vagina. You bite your lip slightly and slowly lean down to finally kiss your best friend, the one you've been in love with all these years
"MUMMY!!!" you hear Kira yell
You stop in your tracks groaning "be right back bubs.."
You get up grabbing her chocolate milk and going into her room, not knowing that Colby was looking at you like you were the only girl in the world.
"yes sweetie?" you smile sitting on the edge of her bed
"i'm sowwy about before.." she says hugging you gently
You smile hugging back
"It's okay i'm sorry too...i shouldn't of yelled at you...but next time mummy tells you it's bedtime listen, okay?" you nod stroking her hair
She nods "can you lie here until i fall asleep?"
"mhm sure baby.." you smile as she grabs your thumb and you cuddle her from behind
Before you knew it you were fast asleep as well and Colby came in with a huge smile on his face, seeing the two girls he loved more than anything cuddled up together fast asleep. He pulled the blankets over you and kissed you both gently on the foreheads, leaving you both to rest.

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