Nap Time

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You're just chilling in your room, reading a book as your phone goes off. You look down at it, a small smile spreading across your face as you see your boyfriends name pop up. You leave it for a couple seconds to not make it seem like you were desperate but decided to answer it after one because what if it was important.
"Yes?" you smile
"Mmm y/n..." he says sleepily
"hi baby.." you smile
"hi princess..."
"what's up?" you giggle putting your book down
"mm you wouldn't believe me even if you tried!!" he laughs half asleep
"hmmm try me.." you smile as he facetimes you
You of course except it. A huge smile coming across your face seeing your tired boyfriend on the other side of the phone. He pans over to a tender greens take out bag.
"so I got tender greens..." he says
"mmm yeah pretty unbelievable...seeming that you HATE tender greens babe.." you joke
"no no no i'm not done y/n" he whines
"okay okay grumpy pants...continue" you laugh
"and..." he says yawning and rubbing his eyes
You just sit there patiently and just admire every bit of him. He goes even more quiet and you laugh.
"Earth to Colby?" you giggle
"hmm" he says jumping
"continue.." you smile
"mmm so i got tender greens...and i felt veryy sleepy so i closed my eyes for a quick nap but uh..." he chuckles "it turned out to be a fifteen hour nap..."
"aww must've needed the sleep!" you smile
"say i have a question?" he says sleepily
"mmm yes i'll come over and nap with you babe.." you smile already reading his mind
"mm okay see you soon gorgeous.." he smiles hanging up

**time skip**

You knock on Colby's door and patiently wait for him to open it. You stand there for what seems like forever and finally see your beautiful boyfriend open it, rubbing his eye sleepily. He smiles cutely and engulfs you in a bear hug.
"hi babygirl.." he says kissing the top of your head
"mmm hi you..." you smile placing a soft kiss on his lips
He pulls you into him more and places one hand on the side of your face, while the other held your waist gently, kissing back. You can feel him smile into it and then pull away.
"fuck you're gorgeous..." he mumbles stroking your cheek gently
"mmm you too Mr Brock.." you smile pecking his lips again and then walk into his apartment
You go into his bedroom seeing it was an absolute mess and you sigh.
For fuck sakes babe...I have to clean this hes so tired... you think to yourself
You bend down and start picking the clothes up off the floor, as you feel strong hands grab your waist pulling your ass back into them. You smile and stand up, turning around. You look up at him just as he crashes his lips into yours, holding your waist tight.
"mmm I thought you were tired and wanted a nap.." you laugh
"mmm now i'm horny and want my sexy ass girlfriend..." he chuckles darkly
You smile kissing him again passionately, holding his face. He walks you back into the bedroom door, pinning you to it and kissing down your neck gently. A small moan escaping your lips.
"C-Colby.." you moan gripping the back of his jumper
He smirks knowing that he has you under his control. He pulls away, after sucking a hickey into your neck.
"I got you something..." he smirks going into his closet bringing out a box
"baby you didn't have to.." you gasp
You open it seeing a matching emerald green bra and panty set, you look at him.
"you can't be serious.." you say frowning
"baby what's wrong.." he asks bobbing down in front of you
"i know how I feel about my body and how self conscious i am.." you sigh looking down at the lingerie set
He lifts your chin up with his index finger and strokes your cheek.
"hey it's's me...i will never ever judge you...okay?" he says reassuringly
you just nod "okay...let me go put it on.."
You walk into the ensuite and change, shortly after you look at yourself in his mirror.
Hey you're going to be's know he won't ever judge you for your size or anything about you...he loves you babe you say talking yourself up
"COLE?!" you yell out to him
"YEAH?" he shouts back
You take a deep breath and walk out into his room. You giggle as he sits there stunned, his mouth wide open.
"you okay handsome.." you smile walking over to him sexily
he just nods, speechless.
You smile straddling him and kiss his cheek and then down to his neck, running your hands up the bottom of his jumper, touching his toned body gently. Your hips slowly start to grind against his and he flips you over.
He takes a second to admire you, and bites his lip.
"wow look at you...stunning.." he smirks lowering himself down to kiss your stomach gently
You bite your lip, feeling yourself getting wetter and wetter, with every kiss he placed on your delicate skin. Your fingers get tangled up in his blue tinted hair, as he makes his way down to your private area.
He stops for a moment to come back up and kiss you gently.
"you sure about this...i don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do babe.." he whispers
"yes're all i want and more.." you smile loving how he can be rough one second and then soft and gentle the next
He just nods lowering himself down the bed again. His fingers hook under the hem of your underwear and pulls them off in one foul swoop. You bite your lip looking down at him, his tongue slowly starting to kitten lick you.
Your head falls back against the pillows and a small moan escapes your lips. He starts to pick up the pace, your fingers get tangled up in his hair again. You slowly start to come undone, as your loud moans fill the room. He slowly inserts two fingers into you and you gasp not expecting it. Your hips start to rock in the same rhythm of his fingers. A familiar knot starting to form in your stomach.
"SHIT C-COLBY!" you moan "i-i'm.."
"mmm hold on for me baby.." he smirks taking his fingers out and taking his pants and boxers off
You bite your lip, looking at your gorgeous boyfriend as he takes his top off as well.
wow how did i get so fucking lucky... you think to yourself as he finds a condom and puts it on
You smile when he comes back and he kisses you again
"are you certain you want me to do this babe?" he asks again
"y-yes...just shut up and fuck me already C-Colby.." you say
He just nods and slowly enters you, a small groan escaping both of your lips. He stops for a second so you can get used to his size and then starts to thrust into you slowly. You grip onto his bed frame, moaning his name softly.
"right there Colby...FUCK!" you moan rocking your hips in time with his
He starts to kiss your neck roughly and you moan a bit louder, gripping onto his hair.
He quickens his pace up a bit and groans softly into your ear.
"Fuck babe.." he groans and places his forearm next to your head on the pillow
You moan as you feel the knot start to form in your stomach again.
"Colby...i'm gonna" you say a bit breathless
"mhm same here baby..." he says choking you a little bit
You roll over so you were on top and start to ride him fast. He squirms and groans underneath you gripping your hips tight, helping you out a little bit. The bed head smacking into the wall behind it.
"SHIT Y/N!!!" he moans loudly
You feel your high wash over you and you scream his name. You see a small smirk come onto his face.
Seconds later, he cums as well. You both just stay there for a moment and pant, looking into each other's eyes. You moan as you get off of him, flopping down next to him on the bed.
He turns to face you and strokes your cheek.
"mmm i love pleasing you and making you moan.." he smiles kissing you gently
"mmm i love it too.." you smile kissing back and then cuddling up to him
You both fell asleep shortly afterwards.

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