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Your boyfriend and yourself were throwing a halloween party, you both decided to invite all of your mutual friends along and some friends that weren't so mutual.
The night started off just fine and you stood near the drinks table pouring yourself another shot of honey flavoured whiskey, looking around at all the party guests, your eyes finally landing on your boyfriend (wearing his iconic pig costume) and some brunette slut wearing a tight fitting playboy bunny costume. You gripped your shot glass tighter as you saw her flirting with him, getting a bit too touchy feely for your liking.
"HEY Y/N!" Sam came over and hugged you
You, Sam and Colby went to high school together and that's how you met Colby. You three were like peas in a pod.
"HEY BESTIE!" you shout back hugging him tight
"this is a great party!" he smiles finally letting you go
"thanks...hey whose that girl over there with Colby?" you ask looking over at them again, the sluts hands resting on Colby's chest and Colby was smiling and laughing with her
"oh her...that's Chantelle...Colby dated her a couple times but they weren't anything serious.." he nods taking a sip out of his red solo cup
"hmmm i don't like her" you smirk at Sam
"yeah none of us did either.." he laughs "don't worry too much though.."
"oh i won't.." you smile
You look over to see the girl kissing Colby, and you saw red.
"uh Sam tell Colby i'll call him later i need to go..." you say leaving the apartment
You walk to the elevator and press the down button a heap of times, tears starting to well up in your eyes.
how could he do that to me?! you think to yourself
"y/n?" you hear a familiar voice say
You turn around to see Colby, standing there behind you tearing up.
"what do you want cheater?" you scoff turning back around to the elevators pressing the button a heap more times
"where are you going?" he asks
"home...where else...i mean obviously i'm not wanted here?" you sigh turning around to face him again
"what do you mean..of course you are ba.." he says stepping towards you
You step back "don't Cole.."
"you need to understand that SHE kissed soon as our lips connected i pushed her off...why would i do that to you?" he sighs
"i don't know but i thought that maybe you would've had the fucking decency to end shit...instead of doing it in front of me?" you sniff
He steps towards you again, this time you just look down at your hands.
"y/n...i ONLY have eyes for know that...i LOVE you!" he sighs putting his hands on your waist rubbing up and down your sides gently
You just nod
"hey look at me.." he says lifting your chin up so you were looking at him
"what Brock?" you ask slightly laughing
"god you're beautiful.." he flirts
You just smile and stand on your tippy toes to kiss him gently. You both stand there, making out for a bit and then he pulls away, making you whine.
"how about we kick everyone out and i can show you how much you mean to me, hmm?" he smirks kissing your neck
You smirk walking over to the windowsill on the side of the elevators and lean over, resting your hands on it.
"or you can show me here.." you smirk back at him
He smirks undoing his tight black jeans and walks over to you. He takes off your panties and let's them fall to your ankles as he slowly pulls his jeans and boxers down a bit, ramming into you. He grips your hair tight, making you groan softly, as every inch of his dick fills you up.
"Colby fuck.." you whisper
He groans softly and continues to fuck you roughly. The sound of both of your skin slapping against each other fills the hallways. A familiar knot starts to form within your stomach.
"COLBY FUCK ME HARDER!!" you scream not caring if your party guests heard you
He slams into you, hitting your gspot with each and every thrust, becoming sloppy. You both came together and your knees started to give out.
You stumble a bit as his arms wrap around you.
"you okay babe?" he asks
You just nod
"now let's get back to this party, hey?" he smiles kissing you gently

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