Chapter 2: Electromagnetic Outage

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One night at the Wachowski residence, Tom is driving his truck home from work, and pulls it into the driveway. Soon, he notices a couple of raccoons rummaging through the garbage bin. Tom honks his horn to get their attention, but they seem to ignore him.

Tom then calls out, "Uh-uh! Hey! No, no. Get out of there."

He then exits the truck, annoyed and agitated, "Oh, come on! Get out of there!"

The raccoons soon begin to leave.

Tom continues to say, "Get out of there, you trash pandas."

Moments later, Tom walks inside his home and closes the door.

He calls out, "Maddie, as Green Hill's most respected veterinarian, what is the fastest way to exterminate a raccoon?" and sets his work bag up.

Then his dog, Ozzy walks over to greet his owner.

Tom kneels to the dog and pets him, "Hi, Ozzy! Hello! You're glad to see me! You don't eat garbage, do you?"

As Tom pets his dog, Mddie walks in with an envelope.

Tom soon stands up, noticing Maddie with the envelope in her hand.

Tom asks, "What's that? Is that what I think it is?"

Maddie nods her head, "Uh-huh. Open it."

Tom walks to Maddie and takes the envelope.

Inspecting it, Tom says, "Oh, it's kind of small. Is that bad?"

"Just... open it," Maddie says, smiling with excitement and anticipation.

Tom then begins to open the envelope as he and Maddie walk into the kitchen and stand in front of the counter.

Tom takes a deep breath and begins to read the letter, "Dear Thomas, we have reviewed your application to the San Francisco Police Department, and pending interdepartmental review and background check, we are happy to inform you that you have been selected to join our team."

Maddie becomes ecstatic, "Aah! Oh, my God!"

Even Tom is excited, "Wow! Oh, my God."

Maddie then pulls out a pink box from under the counter and sets it down.

She opens it to reveal the cake, "Ta-da!"

Tom looks at the cake and reads, "San Francisco Sucks."

The cake shows the Golden Gate Bridge on fire, and blue letters read "Forget Those Morons, San Francisco SUCKS!"

Maddie looks to see the cake, "Oh!"

Realizing her mistake, Maddie puts the cake away, "Wrong one!"

Then pulls out another box and opens it to reveal another cake, "Ta-da!" Then let out a giggle.

The new cake shouts the words, "CONGRATULATIONS in red letters at the top, "I Never Had A Doubt!" in blue letters at the bottom and a decorative portrait of a police officer in the center.

"You never had a doubt, huh?" Tom questions.

"No! Mm-mmm," Maddie replies.

Tom and Maddie then hug each other and give each other a kiss.

"I can't believe this!" Tom says, surprised and excited.

"Oh, I know! You did it!" Maddie happily says.

Tom soon notices Maddie's laptop is open, and decides to look, "Hey, what are those?"

"Apartments for rent I found on Zillow," Maddie says.

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