Chapter 9: Transamerica Tower Battle

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Sometime later, Sonic is driving Rachel's beat-up car very dangerously through San Fancisco's streets

Sonic calls out, "Coming through! Whoa, now, this is my turn, and I go around him! Sorry! And, perfect park!"

Then Sonic parts lopsidedly at the curb.

A driver calls out in anger, "What are you, crazy?!

Tom exits the car and asks, "Is there anything you didn't hit?"

"Why did we let the alien drive?" Maddie questions, getting out of the car.

"Yeah," Eve says.

Then turns to her brother, "You really need to learn how to drive better."

"Hey, I got us here. And please, five stars," Sonic says.

Eve mutters, "Zero stars for your driving skills."

Soon, Sonic, Eve, Tom, and Maddie star out at the towering Transamerica building.

"So, this is it?" Sonic asks.

"That's it. That's your pyramid," Tom says.

"Wow, look at that thing!" Sonic says, excited.

"It's really tall," Eve says.

"What happens now?" Maddie questions.

Soon, Sonic speeds away.

Maddie notices, "Oh! He's... gone."

"Yep," Tom replies.

"Don't worry, he'll be back in a second.

Soon, Sonic returns to the others and says, "No good. You need a special key to get to the roof."

"What now?" Maddie asks.

"Time for me to abuse the power entrusted to me," Tom says.

Moments later, Tom and Maddie are walking to the reception desk, while Tom is carrying both hedgehogs in a large duffle bag. Tom and Maddie nod at each other and approach the front desk.

Tom talks to the receptionist, "We got a jumper on the roof. Gotta get up there fast or we're gonna have a human pancake on our hands." And holds out his badge. [Produces his badge]

Looking at the badge, the receptionist says, "You came all the way from Montana."

"Yeah. That's how serious it is," Tom answers.

There is a prolonged pause as everyone looks at each other.

Until the receptionist hands Tom the key, "Okay."

Tom takes the key and says, "You just saved a life."

After getting the key, Tom and Maddie hurry to the elevator. Maddie presses the button and waits for the elevator to come down so it can get them to the top. Soon, a businessman and businesswoman join them for the wait.

Suddenly, Sonic asks, "How much longer? I can't breathe in here! Hello? Anybody there?"

"Sonic, be quiet! Someone might hear us!" Eve says.

Confused, the businessman asks, "Do you have your children in that bag?"

"No. I mean, yes, it's two children, but it's not mine," Tom says.

"It's not your child?" The businessman questions.

"Relax. I'm a cop, okay? Plus, he likes it in there, don't you, buddy?" Tom replies and shakes the bag a little.

"Why would I like it in here? This is worse than the dog cage you had me in earlier!" Sonic questions, annoyed.

"Zip it, Sonic!" Eve sternly says.

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