Chapter 6: Biker Bar Mayhem

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Realizing where Sonic and Eve have gone off to, Tom walks inside a biker bar called the Piston Pit. He searches around for the two hedgehogs as he sees a man riding on a mechanical bull, people cheering, drinking, and gambling, etc. Tom soon notices two small and walks over. One of them is wearing a beige cowboy hat, sunglasses, and a red shirt. The other is wearing a black hat with her quills tied by a red hairband, a dark blue, red, and black shirt, and red bandana around her neck. Tom then taps one of them on the back, and the figure turns around to be Sonic, and the other is Eve.

Sonic tips the hat and says, "Howdy, partner!"

"I'm not your partner. Come on. We're leaving," Tom says.

But Sonic refuses, "But there's a ZZ Top cover band. You gotta see their beards."

"You're gonna have to catch 'em some other time. Let's go! Get up!" Tom says.

But Sonic says, "If we stay, I promise I won't say another word for the rest of the trip, starting... now!"

Eve mutters, "That won't last very long.

Then turns to Tom, "So how was the call go?"

"Well..." Tom begins to answer.

But a waitress walks up to them and asks, "Welcome to the Piston Pit. What can I get you fellas?"

Sonic quickly answers, "Ooh! I want nachos and buffalo wings. Oh, and guac. Funny word isn't it? Guac, guac! Guuaaac!"

"I knew it," Eve replies, rolling her eyes.

Seeing the two hedgehogs, the waitress says, "Hey, no kids allowed in here."

Then questions, "What's they got on, some kind of mask?"

Tom quickly answers, "Oh! They, they're actually 43 years old and suffer from a very rare skin disease that stunts their growth and makes them look... like-like that."

But Sonic says, "The face, I was born with. The confidence, I picked up along the way."

"Sonic..." Eve calmly says, rolling her eyes.

The waitress simply smiles.

Then Tom turns to the waitress, "Make theirs a Mello Yellow, please."

"Okay," The waitress replies and walks away.

Tom places his hat on the table and sits down, "You owe me one."

"I never sat on a barstool before! So squishy! Oh, look at this, it spins!" Sonic says, excited and spins on the bar stool.

He shouts, "Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Yes. That's nice," Tom replies.

Eve chuckles, "Oh Sonic.

"Whaa-ha-ha-ha!" Sonic yells, and then stops spinning, "I feel sick."

Then Tom asks, "Are you having fun? Gonna check this off the ol' bucket list, huh? Big night for you."

"A bucket list?" Eve asks, confused.

Then Sonic asks, "What's a bucket list?"

Tom sighs and explains, "A bucket list is, uh, it's a list of things you want to do in your life before you, well, kick the bucket."

Sonic seems excited, "I've never kicked a bucket either! Oh, I gotta make my list!"

Then turns to Eve, "Hey sis, you should start one too."

"Um sure. I have a few things I like to do too," Eve answers.

Sonic then speeds off, grabs two pens, and pads, and comes back to the table.

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