Chapter 7: Car Chase Fight

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The next day at the Piston Pit, Dr. Robotnik's truck is parked outside of the rest stop and wonders about installing a new window for the bar. At the same time, Robotnik and Agent Stone are interviewing the bar patron from the night before, including the thug from that night.

"Did he say where he was going?" Agent Stone questions, as he holds a picture of Tom.

The thug who has a neck brace on takes the photo and says, "Maybe. Maybe not. Like I'd ever tell you." Then hands it back.

Robotnik gently pushes Agent Stone aside, "Stand down, Agent Stone. This well-meaning citizen obviously doesn't understand the urgency of the matter."

The thug then stands up and looks Robotnik dead in the eyes, "Really?"

Robotnik then gives the thug a smug grin on his face. And then hurls the thug out of the window.

"Now that's what I call good cop, bad cop," Robotnik states as he and Agent Stone leave the bar.

Robotnik then holds his hand out and Agent Stone is about to give him a high five, but Robotnik punches him in the abdomen instead.

"Hoi! Left yourself open," Robotnik says and walks away as Agent Stone gasps for air.

Robotnik and Agent Stone soon return to the truck interior.

Robotnik walks to the controls and says, "Judging by the quickest route to San Francisco, the approximate speed of their vehicle and local weather conditions...

He then messes with the control panels "they should be... right about... here."

On his monitor, the images of the road zooms and shows Tom's truck on the tracking device.

"That's brilliant, sir," Agent Stone compliments.

"Thanks..." Robotnik says.

Then whispers, "for nothing."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Siskiyou County Line, Sonic, Eve, and Tom are still driving to California.

Sonic turns to Tom and asks, "So, what's on your bucket list?"

"Who, me?" Tom questions.

"Yeah. Everyone has a bucket list, right?" Sonic replies.

"Well, sure, but, I mean, you're the one leaving Earth, and I'm not planning on dying anytime soon," Tom says.

Sonic chuckles and says, "Don't be so sure. Your best friends are a magnet for danger."

"More like you," Eve says, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, are you anointing yourself as the bestie?" Tom questions.

"Mm-hmm," Sonic says.

"A little presumptuous, but- I mean- What, no- I-I like you, of course, but, you know, we're not best friends," Tom says.

But Sonic says, "You tucked me in last night."

Tom chuckles.

"Fine, fine, fine. Best animal friend," Sonic says.

But Tom says, "That would be my dog, Ozzy."

"You mean that big dog?" Eve asks.

"That's the one," Tom says.

"I actually think he's kinda cute," Eve says.

"Glad you think so," Tom says.

Then Sonic says, "Okay. Let's drop this increasingly humiliating topic of conversation. Bucket list. Give it to me!"

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