Chapter 10: Hedgehogs Run and Fight Back

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Back in San Francisco, Sonic and Eve regain themselves and notice the bubble that surrounds them. Then it soon disappears as they look at the rings, debris, branches, and broken drones scattered on the street around them.

"Did you just make a bubble?" Sonic asks.

"I... I think I just did... how did I..." Eve wonders.

Before Eve can continue, Robotnik's Eggpod lowers itself to where the hedgehogs are.

"Can I give you one genius piece of advice? Don't run. It'll only hurt more if you do. And it's bad for your joints, they proved it," Robotnik advises.

"All right, Eggman. You wanna get fast? Let's get fast!" Sonic says.

Sonic then scrambles quickly to gather all of his rings.

Then Sonic and Eve speed off as Eve calls out, "Catch us if you can.

Dr. Robotnik puts on his flight goggles and says, "The hard way it is."

The cockpit to the Eggpod closes, and Robotik begins to chase after the two hedgehogs. Sonic and Eve run with their speed as Robotnik fires his laser blast at them, causing some damage on certain road sections. Seeing Robotnik chasing after them, the two hedgehogs make a sharp left, but Robotnik turns left to continue the pursuit.

"That was an illegal left, by the way!" Robotnik comments.

The chase continues, but pauses to where it's left off.

Sonic (narrates): So, here we are again! We've been through so much together!

Eve (narrates): And now you understand why there's a psychotic robot doctor chasing a supersonic blue hedgehog.

Sonic (narrates): Want to know how it ends? Yeah, us too.

And the pursuit continues as Sonic and Eve continue to dodge Robotnik's laser blasts from his Eggpod. They keep running along the buildings and on the street. Then they slide under a large trailer to avoid the attack. Then continues running, but Robotnik is still after them.

Eve says, "He's still after us."

"But how is this possible?! No one's ever caught up to us before!" Sonic questions.

"Maybe we can use one of the rings to lose him," Eve suggests.

Sonic holds up a ring, "It's worth a try!"

In France in front of the Ethel Tower, a Mime is entertaining a little girl and her mother. When the mime makes a circular movement with his hand, the Ring portal opens behind them, and the two hedgehogs zip through. The mother and child quickly move out of the way.

Sonic calls out, "Coming through!"

"Excuse us!" Eve adds.

Then Robotnik follows from behind.

The Mime panics, "Sacrebleu!" and ducks his head.

Robotik's Eggpod flies through the Ring.

"Excusez-moi, monsieur!" Robotnik says in french.

Then, the pursuit continues along the Great Wall of China.

"Here we go! Room to open it up!" Sonic says.

And with that, Sonic and Eve continue to pick up speed, but Robotnik is still after them.

Eve sees, "Robotnik is still after us. How is he able to catch up to us?

"I'm wondering the same thing," Sonic says, and tosses the Ring, "We can't lose him!"

The two hedgehogs run through the ring and end up in Egypt. Robotnik continues to fire multiple laser blasts from the Eggpods to blast the hedgehogs. Robotnik ends up destroying the Sphinx in the princess. Then the two hedgehogs skid to a stop in the sand.

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