Chapter 8: Refuge at Rachel's House

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Meanwhile, Tom is able to drive the truck to San Francisco and is able to reach Rachel's home. Wrapped in separate blankets, Tom carries both sonic and Eve to the house.

"Come on, guys. You're gonna be alright. You'll be alright," Tom says to the unconscious hedgehogs.

Tom rushes to the door and quickly knocks on it, and Rachel answers the door.

Holding the two bundles, Tom quickly says, "Is Maddie here?"

"No, no. Not today. Goodbye!" Rachel denies and slams the door in Tom's face.

"It's an emergency!" Tom calls out and tries to force himself in.

But Rachel refuses, "Bye-bye!"

Tom calls out, "Rachel, stop! Please! Maddie! Don't do this! This is important!"

Maddie soon walks in to see Tom trying to get in and rushes over, "Oh, my God! Rachel, let him in!"

Maddie manages to get the door open and allow Tom in.

"I am calling the police! No, I am calling the FBI. I am calling the CIA," Rachel shouts in anger.

But Tom says, "Stop, don't do that."

"I am calling your mother!" Rachel replies.

"Okay, got it!" Maddie says to Rachel

Then Tom says to Maddie, "Maddie, can we talk?"

Then Maddie asks, "Tom, what's going on?! You're-you're all over the news, I've been trying to call you!"

"I had to ditch my phone so they couldn't track me," Tom answers.

"Ditch his phone?!" Rachel questions.

Maddie is just as confused, "Track you?!"

Just then, Jojo runs to Tom,Uncle Tommy!" and gives him a hug.

"Jojo, hey!" Tom says with a smile

But Rachel pulls Jojo away from Tom, "Now your niece is an accessory to treason!"

"No, she's not," Tom says.

Maddie turns to Rachel, "Would you calm down?"

"Calm down?! I will not calm down!" Rachel shouts, upset.

Then Ozzy walks over as Maddie and Rachel arguring.

"Enough!" Maddie shouts

"Yes, calm down. Stop talking," Tom says.

Then Ozzy begins barking at him.

Tom turns to his dog, "No. Ozzy, please. Good to see you, too."

Tom then leans forward a little and almost gives the two hedgehogs away.

And Rachel notices the blanket, "Oh, Little Lord Baby Jesus! What is that, Tom? Is that plutonium?! Is it emails?"

"Yes, it's plutonium," Tom says, which is an obvious life.

Then turns to Maddie, "Can we please go in the other room and talk-"

Ozzy barks again.

Tom turns to Ozzy, "Stop it, Ozzy! Quit it!"

And Rachel turns to Maddie and says, "This is why I told you he was no good!"

"I'm not engaging!" Maddie angrily shouts back.

Soon, Ozzy barks and then grabs one of the blankets.

"No, Ozzy! Quit it!" Tom shouts.

Ozzy soon begins tugging on the blanket and everyone begins arguing at one.

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