Chapter 3: Dodging and Lost Rings

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The next day at the baseball field, the military set up a detachment at the baseball are different military forces and scientists with gadgets and machines to figure out the source of the electrical pulses and the blackouts. Just then, a large black truck slowly pulls into the field. Once it arrives. One of the military forces, Major Bennington notices it. Soon, the black truck comes to a stop.

Major Bennington replies."What the..."

Soon, the large track begins to open up and fold-out a staircase. Once the fold-out staircase is open, a man walks out of the truck. He's an average-sized human. He originally possessed dark brown (almost black) hair, light peach skin, brown eyes, a short mustache and ample stubble across his jawline. His hair was usually combed back, and his mustache was usually thin and dark brown (almost black) with handlebar curls at the ends. The man is known as Dr. Robotnik, the brilliant scientist that the Pentagram assigned to deal with the matter.

A few other men in separate black cars arrive. One of them is Dr. Robotnik's assistant named Agent Stone. An average man with short-cut black hair, brown eyes, light brown skin, and visible facial hair. For attire, he is usually seen wearing a black jacket, navy shirt and a black tie. Robotnik approaches the major and takes his glasses off as the major warily puts his hand on his sidearm holster if needed.

Dr. Robotnik questions, "Are you in charge here?"

Yes, I am-" Major Bennington answers.

But Robotnik interrupts him, "Nope!"

Major Bennington tries to speak, "My-"

Dr. Robotnik interrupts again, "Wrong!"

Major Bennington says, "name-"

Dr. Robotnik interrupts again, "I'm in charge!"

"is Major-" Major Bennington again tries to speak.

Dr. Robotnik interrupts again ,"Me!"

Major Bennington tries to continue, "Ben-"

This time Robotnik says, almost whispering, "I'm in charge."

Then Agent Stone shows Bennington Robotnik's badge.

Robotnik continues, "You've never seen anything like this before. It says I'm the top banana in a world full of hungry little monkeys." the points upward, "Allow me to clarify. "

Then turns his head to the side as he makes a servo noise.

Then says, "In a sequentially ranked hierarchy based on a level of critical importance, the disparity between us is too vast to quantify. Agent Stone?"

"The doctor thinks you're basic," Agent Stone clarifies.

Robotnik holds out his left arm, "I'm initiating a sweep sequence."

He then presses some buttons on his glove control panel, "Ten miles in every direction should suffice."

On the top of Robotnik's truck, multiple hatches open to reveal large egg shaped flying drones, and they are preparing to dispatch.

Dr. Robotnik turns his head and asks. "Is he still looking at me funny?"

"Yes, he is," Agent Stone answers.

"Tell him to stop or I'll pull up his search history," Robotnik says.

"If you don't stop looking at the doctor, he'll take a closer look-" Agent Stone says.

But Major Bennington says, "I'm not deaf."

"And tell him his men report to me now. Blah blah blah... blah blah blah... blah blah blah," Robotnik says.

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