Chapter 11: New Home, New Family

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The next day, everyone in Green Hills is back to normal, and everyone is going on with their everyday lives. Meanwhile, Tom and Maddie are fixing their house from the attack a few days ago. As of now, they're painting the walls.

"You got enough there?" Tom asks.

"Yes, Mr. Manager," Maddie answers.

Then Tom lifts the roller brush, "Need any more?" and playfully rolls it in front of Maddie.

Maddie chuckles as she moves back, "You get that away!" and walks away.

Tom then continues to paint the wall of the house as Maddie paints the other wall. Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door. Tom answers the door to reveal Commander Walters at the front door.

The commander calmly says, "Mr. and Mrs. Wachowski?"

"Yes?" Tom questions.

The commander reaches into his coat and hands them an envelope, "A token of appreciation for your government for keeping quiet about recent incidents which never occurred."

"Wow!" Tom says, surprised and takes the envelope, "Wonder what it is."

Maddie then guesses, "Money to fix the house?"

"Letter from the president?" Tom suggests.

"You'll see," Commander Walters says.

"Okay," Tom says.

Tom then opens the envelope to reveal a $50 gift card to Olive Garden from Uncle Sam..

"Olive Garden," Maddie replies.

"Yeah, heh. The way you said 'You'll see' made me think it was something better than the things we said," Tom replies.

"Have you tried their Never Ending Pasta Bowl? It never ends!" Commander Walters says.

"That sounds... fancy," Tom replies.

"Mm-hmm," Maddie replies, "Well, thank you. We appreciate the gesture."

Then Tom says, "Oh, hey. I guess we can close the file on that Robotnik guy, huh? Just disappeared."

But Commander Walters says, "I'm sorry, but no such person exists or ever has existed."

"I wish that were true," Tom says.

Then Commander Walters asks, "You haven't, by any chance, been in contact with a pair of certain alien creatures since the incident, have you? Uncle Sam would love to have a chat with him. Very casual. Brunch, perhaps."

"Oh, you mean the little blue guy and the red and blue girl?" Tom replies, knowing what he means.

Commander Walters nods his head in reply.

He then answers, "No. No, nothing. No."

"Mm-mmm," Maddie replies.

Then Tom says, "Doubt we'll ever hear from them again."

"Mm-mmm," Maddie replies.

"Very well," Commander Walters replies.

"Okay. Thank you," Tom says.

"Great," Maddie says.

Commander Walters then takes his leave, but Tom slowly closes the door.

"Yep," Tom says.

Commander Walters tries to peek inside the house, but Tom fully closes the door.

Tom turns to Maddie and says, "To be honest, I'm pretty pumped about the pasta bowl."

Tom and Maddie walk into the living room to see Sonic and Eve peek their heads up from behind the couch.

"So is the guy gone?" Eve asks.

"He's gone," Maddie says.

"That's good," Eve says, and walks out from behind the couch.

Then Sonic asks, "So, do you guys wanna watch a movie or what?"

But Maddie says, "Sorry, buddy. It's a school night. It's time for you to go back to your cave."

"What?!" Sonic asks, shocked.

He then jumps from the back and sits on the couch with Ozzy, "It's 3:00 in the afternoon!"

"You know how you get when you're tired," Tom says.

Eve grins and says, "Yeah. And I especially know when you get tired."

"She's right. Come on," Tom says.

"Me? I'm not like anything. Ugh, you guys are so uncool!" Sonic says, and walks towards them.

"Yeah, yeah, we know," Tom says.

Sonic and Eve soon make their way to the door.

Tom then calls out, "Hey, buddy, where you going?"

"You said we have to go back to my cave," Sonic says.

"We did," Tom says.

"And that's where Sonic and I are heading. I mean, which other cave do you mean?" Eve replies.

"You'll see," Maddie says.

Soon, Tom and Maddie smile.

Moments later, Tom opens the hatch to the attack and allows Sonic and Eve to go in first. Sonic and Eve take a peek inside and are very surprised to see all of their possessions from the cave in the woods are now in the attack. They both walk inside and walk around surprised and astonished.

"Oh my..." Eve says, amazed.

Sonic is even more surprised, "Are you kidding me?"

Sonic and Eve look around to see that all their things are here.

"I can't believe it," Sonic says, surprised.

" How did you- It's-" Eve says, lost for words.

Then Sonic says, "It's all here."

"Everything is here," Eve says, amazed.

Tom and Maddie climb up as well.

Soon, Sonic begins to zip around as he looks at his possessions and furniture, "Look at this! Are you kidding?! And the beanbag?! No way! How did you even get this?! And you got it all the way over-"

Sonic laughs and does a funny dance on the bed, and jumps up and down on it.

He happily says, "I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!" and falls back on the bed.

Eve giggles and looks around to see her belongings.

"So what do you think, Eve?" Tom asks.

Eve turns to Tom and smiles, "It's perfect."

She then sits on the bed next to Sonic. Then Tom and Maddie sit beside them.

"Well, welcome home," Maddie says.

"Thank you, so much," Sonic says.

"Thank you for everything," Eve says.

Suddenly, Ozzy begins barking and is now in the room.

Then Sonic says, "Oh, no, you don't! No second-best animal friends allowed in my room."

Ozzy barks again.

Sonic asks, "Wait, what are you doing? Stay away from me! Stop it! I'm warning you, I've got nunchucks! Hey, stop! Okay, you can stay!"

"Aw, you're just a good boy Ozzy," Eve says.

Ozzy barks in reply.

Eve laughs, "Stop that tickle! Ozzy!"

Soon, everyone begins laughing with smiles on their faces.

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