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(Pic of Martin Goodman ->)

I don't really know how it happened but I went from newbie to Scotty within the span of a day. Bear just laughed every time someone called out Scotty as they were talking to me or wanted to start a conversation. Bear said it was thanks to Goldie's insistently calling me Scotty, which everybody else picked up as well. Even people who I never saw before called me that, giving me the chills. So when I heard someone call out Scottie when I was shopping at the grocery store, I turned, ready to replay when a little boy ran out from an aisle towards who I think is his father. Shaking my head I laugh softly to myself. "SCOTTY!" A female voice cheered as soon as I left the aisle, I was now used to everybody staring at me as that name was screamed.

I managed to keep a hold on my basket as Willow, a member of Goldie's performers group crashed into me. Wrapping one arm around her waist to keep her steady I kissed her "Hello Willow." She beamed as she burrowed further into my chest "I never thought I would meet you here though." I rolled my eyes at the obvious lie, everybody knew I shopped here because of the cheap stuff and it had most stuff I loved from back home and it was close to home. She managed to chatter my ears of as she pulled me along several aisles, dumping random stuff in my basket. When we passed the man and the little boy called Scottie, he was staring at me with wide eyes as he held on to the man's pant leg.

"You're called Scottie too?" The light child's voice stopped Willow's chattering as I pulled to a stop. "Yes he is." Willow said smiling as she bends down to the child's height, well aware of the man's disapproving gaze. "When you grow up I hope you will be like my Scotty. Brave, strong and honest." The child's face lit up as he smiled. "I wanna be like you when I grow up!" I ruffled his hair "Then I will tell you a secret." I whispered lowly, making little Scottie bend close to me "You will need to eat all your veggies if you want to be like me." Scottie pouted and pulled a nasty face. "But I don't like veggies." I put the basket on the floor as I levelled with Scottie. "That's the thing Scottie. There will be a lot of things in life that you might not like but need to do no matter what." I smiled a little as I remembered my dad telling me to man up and just deal with it. "Just try your absolute best and it will be okay." Scottie pouted a little more before nodding his head and scurry off back to his dad.

"You handled that pretty good." I looked to the side quickly before focusing back on the road. "I just told him what my dad told me when I didn't want to eat my veggies when I was young." Willow beamed at me as she turned me way. "You never speak about your parents or family why is that?" I sigh as I put the car in park back at the club; Willow and I were dumped with grocery duty. Opening the trunk and pulled out several shopping bags and shrug "I never felt the need to speak about them." I grunt as I lift several grocery bags in each hand, "You could help you know." Huffing I set them on the kitchen table as Willow wonders off to God knows what. I grumble under my breath before wincing at the loud high pitched squealing as Willow undoubtedly told who ever she could find about Scottie and his dad. I just managed to set the last of the groceries on the counter before Goldie came rushing through the door "Why didn't I know about little Scottie?" She looked close to tears, something that has been happening a lot recently. She blames the hormones. I roll my eyes as I turn to face her, "Well hello to you too Mrs. Macintosh." She and Roy had recently married and they had a baby on the way through a carrier mom.

"Scottie?" Goldie had opened her mouth to say something before turning to the sound and look wide eyed at the man and child from the grocery store. "You two know each other? Good!" Roland came in, "Than you can show them around the place and the clinic." He clasped me on the shoulder before bellowing that everybody should come and meet the new doctor Mr. Martin Goodman and his son Scottie." He even sends a wink my way when he said that, making everybody snicker except the doc and the kid. They just looked confused. "Don't pay any mind to them, they are being mean." That seemed to relax Scottie as he slowly came out from behind his dad's legs and smile weakly at everyone present. "And this is the clinic." I had saved it for last, since Martin wanted to see the rest of the club first. Martin nodded his head in approval, everything that needed to be there was there.

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