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Link's pov

"I wish she was always that good behaved." I glance up from the menu in my hand as Goldie mutters those words. Looking to the left I see what she means. Rosie is usually very dominating and aggressive in what she wants. But as soon as she sees Bear, she is as docile as a new born kitten.

"Don't worry love," Troy kisses her cheek lovingly. "She is just a little wilful." He winks at her, "Like someone else I know." Goldie just huffs crossing her arms pouting.

I do get what she means though, despite his bulk and large size, babies and toddlers' immediately love Bear. Whenever he walks into their sight, they are on their best behaviour. "Maybe you should change career from surveillance to day care." Bear blinks stupidly as he returns from the kiddie corner with a few uncertain children tagging along.

"Why would I do that?" Bear bounces Rosie lightly on his knees, getting giggles and a few jealous pouts in return.

"Maybe you should ask the crowd." I glance at the two toddlers still staring up at him adoringly. Bear blushes to the roots of his hair as he hands a sleepy Rosie to her mother.

"You need to go back to your parents." They cling to him as he holds out his hands to them. Squealing in delight the kids follow Bear as he guides the kids back to their slightly startled parents in the kiddie corner. I laugh slightly as I watch Bear rub the back of his neck sheepishly when he speaks to the toddlers' parents. To everyone's astonishment, the kids start crying as Bear walks back to our table, no matter what their parents do to hush them, they keep wailing.

Bear looks startled at the noise, clearly unsure what to do now others join in. Even Rosie shows solidarity and wails her little lungs out. "There, there Rosie. It's okay, everything is okay." Not even his reassuring her helps her to calm down. She hiccups once before starting again. We all look uncomfortable at one and other. "Maybe we should find another restaurant?"

Bear slips out of his chair and walks cautiously over to the child that started crying first. Under the watchful eye of the child's father, Bear slowly lowers himself to the child's height. "What's wrong little man?"

The child sniffles and hiccups as he looks up at the sound of Bear's voice. There is mucus running out of his nose down his face as he rubs a tiny fist in his eye. Whipping out a paper tissue Bear wipes his face clean. "Is there something in your eye little man?"

The child sniffles again before slowly nodding his head. Bear cups the child's face in his huge hands, tilting it back slightly. After giving the father a careful look as he seems ready to tear his hair out in frustration. "Let's have a look." Bear gently rubs his thumb along the child's left eye.

It is deathly quiet as the whole restaurant watches Bear with a held breath. The child blinks his eyes open, suddenly a lot more lively than before. "All better?" The child nods his head and beams broadly. Bear grins back as he gets up and returns to our table.

After that happened; all activity in the restaurant resumes and we order our food. The rest of our stay is uneventful, the food delicious.

"We really should do this again sometime soon! And I want to meet your Daddy!" Bear blushes as Goldie teasingly pokes him in the chest. "Seriously though, I would like to meet him. I want to know what kind of man makes my Papa Bear glow like this."

I frown playfully "Are you sure you want to meet him for that reason? Not the reason that he is one of the main owners of the Pleasure District?" She gapes in mock shock.

"It might have something to do with it. I can say that the man is a complete mystery to me. I really am curious as to what kind of man he is." She gives Bear and me a kiss on the cheek each. "Take care of yourself Papa Bear. You too Link." One last wave and they disappear around the bend in their fancy car.

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