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King's pov

Bear stands there like a statue as the casket is slowly disappears into the floor before he is going into the furnace below since Bear insisted that he is cremated. His blank expression doesn't sit well with me as my gut tightens in worry every time I look at him. From my peripheral vision I can see that Link is worried about the blank look on Bear's face as well.

The man from the church says a few words but nobody is really that interested in what he has to say. It is just the people from the funeral home, one of the hospital doctor's, and Bear, me and Link.

I take the man from the funeral home apart explaining that I will be the one receiving the urn with the ashes. No need to have Bear burdened with it, even in death, I want that man as far away from Bear as possible. Although the man looks surprised with my request, he doesn't hesitate to agree with me and motions me to follow him along. Signalling to Link that I will be gone for a while, he nods and continues to watch over Bear.

The stairs make the soles of my Italian leather dress shoes squeak as we descend to the lower floor where the furnace is located. As we enter the white room, I see someone seal a grey urn. She blinks at our presence but hands over the urn to me without question. Nodding my head in thanks, I turn on my heels and march on out of there. Needing to get out of there and Bear back to the house.

"Bear; do you want me to scatter his ashes anywhere in particular?" The shake of his head is the only motion I have seen from him since they announced Reagan clinically dead and pulled the plug on him. "Okay then." I glance at Link who is sitting on the backseat with Bear, "I will drop the two of you off at the house and then depose of this." I indicate at the urn on the passenger seat. Link blinks quickly, as my words sink in and nods his agreement.

I worry as Link is struggling to help Bear's not moving form into the house. Circling around the neighbourhood, I think of a fitting place to scatter the bastard's ashes. Every place I can think of is dismissed as they are all too good for an ass like him. Then a place pops in my head, and my foot pushes the gas pedal all the way to the floor as I race towards my destination.

 Then a place pops in my head, and my foot pushes the gas pedal all the way to the floor as I race towards my destination

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Closing the car door with a soft click, I know for sure that the rocky cliffs are the right choice as I breathe in the clean sea air. Seagulls caw as they float overhead in the light breeze. The dying light from the sun setting seem fitting to close this particular roller-coaster chapter of life. Still, I feel some sort of gratitude towards the bastard for playing a role in making me realise that I want -- need Bear and Link in my life. The only thing I hate about it is that he has cost Bear so much pain and grief with just his presence. "Good riddance you bastard." I mutter darkly as I uncap the urn and shake out the ashes. After giving the urn a last shake to make sure there are no more ashes in there, I breathe out deeply, and glad it is all over. Shaking my head slightly, I make my way back to the car.

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