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The King dressed casual

Bear's POV

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine in a room that didn't belong to my apartment. The sheets that surrounded me to soft and silky, I didn't own any sheets of this type. So to whom do they belong? I looked up as a door creaked open and my vision was filled by the King's half-naked psychic. My eyes widened, mouth dropped before I realised where I was so I cast my eyes downward. "Good morning Sir." My stomach growled as a steaming tray was placed in my lap. I blushed to the tips of my ears at the loud sound before tucking in with gusto. "Do you remember what happened yesterday?" The piece of toast that was halfway to my mouth stopped and flopped down back on the tray. "Yes." I managed to mask most of my anger at Roland for forcing that kiss on me. If it wasn't for the King, who knows what, could have happened? I shudder at the mere thought.

"I will make sure that Roland will no longer bother you Bear. You can count on that." The King states and his hand ruffles my hair. I finish the last piece of toast and put the tray to the side "Thank you Sir, but I hate being a bother." The King snorts and tips my head back so I can look at the soft expression on his face "You are not a bother Bear. You never were, so please don't think like that." I blink furiously to keep back the tears that threaten to spill down my cheeks. I close my eyes as they slip down my cheeks without my permission and lean into the King's soft touch as his thumbs rub my wet cheeks. I let out a shaky breath before collecting myself once more and slowly extract myself from the King's calming touch. "I should leave now Sir. I will need to get back to work soon." He nods and steps back from where he stood at the beds edge. "When your shift is over, you will come to my office so we can discuss what happened yesterday." His command doesn't leave me any room for arguing so I meekly nod my head and get out of the bed and get dressed.

King's POV

I continue with reading several files of businesses who want to have a branch in the Pleasure District. I deny most of the files that have businesses that don't really fit in with our policies. We have no need for a yacht club branch, since we only have one wharf where only boats for fishing moor. So requests like that are immediately rejected. I am nearly at the bottom of the pile when I come across an interesting application and put it aside from the rejected pile. I was e-mailing Lance and Lauren that I had received some interesting applications for a branch in our District when a knock on my door had me pausing above the keyboard. "Enter." The door opened and Bear stepped inside, closed the door and sat down in the chair opposite of my desk. Checking the clock on my desk top, I realise that it is already 10:30 pm and Bear's shift was indeed already over.

My fingers continue to type and finish the e-mail before I turn and face Bear about Roland's unwanted behaviour. "So I have spoken with Roland earlier today together with Lance and Lauren about his behaviour towards you. All three of us are partial owners of the Pleasure District and we gave him a few days off so we can decide what to do with him so he won't do that again. I pulled his BDSM licence; he can't approach you or any other Sub without risking getting arrested for violating the law." Although I was in the beginning doubting about pulling his licence but seeing Bear's tense form slump with relief I know that I made the right decision. "Is there anything you want to know or add? Something we need to know about Roland's unwanted behaviour? Something he or you didn't tell me?"

Bear seems to think it over before shaking his head. "No there is nothing more to add than that you already know." He mumbles as he looks at his knees. I nod to myself before I change the subject. "How is your Sub training going?" Bear's head snaps up so fast I am a little worried he might snap his neck. He gives me a radiant smile as he recounts everything he had learned in the weeks he has been to the Sub training. I find my attention going to his lips as he speaks and wonder if they are really as soft as they look before nearly falling from my chair by his last sentence.  "And in a few weeks I just need to find a Dom to do a scene with before I can say that my training is fully done." I stare wide eyed at Bear as those words slowly sink in, Bear doing a scene with a Dom. My chest tightens painfully at the mere thought and my anger rises. "You will do your scene here at the Velvet Door." I growl out startling Bear with my hostility. My inner Dom wants to keep a tight control on this, a first public scene can be very unnerving and things can go wrong. This way I can minimise the chance of things going wrong. "Ye-Yes o-of course S-Sir." Great! Now he is scared of me.

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