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The Lake House Theatre

               Bear's pov

               My eyes feel grainy and dry when I open them, telling me I have been a crying mess last night. Still I feel warm and safe squished between Link and Master Cedric. Unlike last time, I feel no need to move or get away from them. In fact I snuggle deeper into their combining heat, letting out a content sigh. I feel comfortable, a rare thing for me to feel with everything that has happened the past few weeks.

              "Are you awake Bear?" A hand strokes my hair before it tilts my head back ward to meet Master's gaze.

              I know my eyes are red and puffy and the skin on my face is blotched and I most likely have mucus running from my nose, but I still look up at him. "Yes Sir, I am awake." My voice is scratchy and it tickles the back of my throat, making me cough a little.

              Master Cedric's gaze is soft and full of warm emotions as he rubs his thumbs along the path that tears left on my face. "What do you want to do Bear?" The question startles me; I have no clue what he expects me to answer. "I want to hear you say what it is you want to do today." Master explains, as the anxiety must have been written all over my face. "Today is all about you Bear, about you and what makes you feel happy."

              I turn over on my back, startling Link with the movement. "Wha—?" He rubs his eyes sleepily, looking confused from me to Master and back again. What do I want to do today? I huff a little as Link drapes an arm around my waist, snuggling into my side.

              What is it that I usually do when I bawl my eyes out? Staring at the ceiling I ask myself that question. Yet, I know what I usually do, but I try to fight against the pull of harming myself. "I would—" I clear my throat once as my voce pitches. "I would like to visit my parents first and then I would love to go to the theatre performance at the lake House theatre some day. It's always been a dream of mine to watch one of their shows." I blush as I mumble the words, watching my twiddling fingers.

              Master Cedric smiles as he kisses my forehead, "I will see what I can do about the Lake House." He gets up and pulls on a pair of sweats and ambles out of the room. I hear him stomp on the stairs and hear him rummaging in the kitchen, hopefully making breakfast.

              Reagan's pov

              I curse under my breath as I watch another decoy guy Mickey planted being arrested on the six o'clock news. They are being arrested too quickly for my liking. Something is definitely wrong. I hiss as a piece of hard wood drifts down from the ceiling, landing on my head. Growling curses at Mickey under my breath for putting me in this dump, I make my way to the kitchen. As much as I bitch at Mickey, I am glad he had this place ready for me when I called him after visiting Paddy's apartment.

              Anger boils in my veins as I remember escaping Red Velvet's security clutches and finding no Paddy where he was suppose to be. I need my Paddy. Leaning against the sink counter, I stare out the dusty windows overlooking the small clearing in which this dilapidated hovel is situated. Despite it's many faults, it is ideal place to hide out from the cops. But it's not I place I want to bring my Paddy to. My Paddy deserves class and not this dump.

              Sitting back down in the worn ass chair, I startle when the seat gives way under my weight. I roll my eyes, just something else I don't need right now. Frowning I stop my flailing limbs, a sound from outside that shouldn't be there drew my attention. Managing to lower the TV to a soft buzzing in the background the noise sounds again. It a harsh sound, it sounds like a stick snapping under the pressure of someone's foot.

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