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(Pic of sexy Bear)

"Well done pet." The King murmured in my ear, making my chest swell with pride at the praise. The King started nibbling at my earlobe as his hands trailed down to my groin. His blunt nails scratched my skin lightly, tugging gently at my happy trail hairs. The touch made me want to feel it all over my body, heating my already heated blood even further. I had to grab on his bulging biceps when one of his hands dipped inside my boxers and started a slow and torturous stroking pace. Everything around me disappeared; I was solely focused on the wonderful hand stroking me. My knees started to tremble as he thumbed the head; I couldn't contain the moan that spilled forth, my eyes rolling in their sockets and everything turned black.


Bear's pov

I pitied poor Doc as I watched him search around the club for any sign of Lincoln. "Give it up Doc; you're not going to find him here." Martin turned as I spoke he used his dominate stare on me, not that it worked. It was cute to see though. "Do you know where he is?" He had the audacity to demand being all Dom on me. I just shrugged, "Don't go all Dom on me Doc; it's not gonna work on me. It's cute, but I don't feel intimidated at all. Just go home Doc, your boy needs you." Martin glared at me but did as I said after sweeping the club one more time. "You handled it right Bear, he needs to know what boundaries he can't cross." Roland's voice caressed my ear as the man came up behind me. "I just hope he's gonna be alright, he really looked like he was seriously having the hots for Link." Roland shook his head as he disappeared back into the shadows he came from.

My shift was dull as usual; underage kids trying to get in the club, people trying to charm their way in. Same old, same old. "Great job Bear. I will take it over from here." I grinned as Rico tapped me on the shoulder as my shift was minutes away from being done. "Thanks Rico." I give him a bro hug as I step back and let him take care of the next customer that wants to enter. I went inside and checked off my name of the work roster, waved at the camera and left the club. I dunned my jacket and walked back to my apartment. My eyes nearly popped out as I was Martin stand in front of my door arms folded. "I thought you went home Doc." I raised a brow as he didn't move a muscle. "Come on in and tell me how can I help you?" Glaring once more at me he moved just far enough for me to open the door. Martin marched in a head; I rolled my eyes as I took off my jacket and shoes. Stretching once I ambled into the living room where Martin was waiting on me. "So, are you going to tell me where he is?"

"I see you still haven't given up on him. I will take a shower before I answer that question." I moved down the hall to my bedroom and into my bathroom. I wasn't too surprised to find Martin followed me in. "Why can't you just tell me?" He was leaning against the door and watching me shower, making me slightly uncomfortable with his intense staring. I sighed as I cup my hands under the water before splashing my face with it. "It's not my place to tell you Doc, you know that." I scrubbed my body with my body wash, rinsed it and turned off the shower. "Mind giving me my towel Doc?" Martin was blocking my way to the towel, his eyes moved up and down my body several times before he offered me my towel. I swallowed hard under his gaze as I dried myself off and forced myself passed him into my bedroom.

"And why is it that you of all people can't tell me where your other part is?" He looked a little.... I don't know... a mixture of sceptical and angry as he said those words. Everybody knew Link and I were part of the same, although most were very sceptical like Doc was. I was rummaging in my draws for a pair of clean boxers and a t-shirt. "Look Doc, with due respect you can't provide for Link like the person can with who's he is now. You can never reach it. I am sorry Doc." I don't know why I felt like apologising but I did. Maybe it was the heartbroken expression on his face. Yet as heartbroken as he looked, there was a fire in his eyes that told me he wasn't going to give up that easily. I swallowed "He's with the King, Doc and I think you should just give up on ever having him." Doc's eyes widened at hearing that name before his shoulders slumped and I saw tears roll down his checks. "Look, why don't you go home to your boy Doc? He'll know when you're not there, no matter how hard you try to fool him. Scottie is a smart boy Doc don't forget that, he might be young but he understands of most what goes on here." Link had told me all about Scottie and how perceptive he was for his age.

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