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       Bear's pov

       Although Roland kept his promise of backing down, I could still feel his eyes burning holes in my back from the shadows. Whenever we had meetings I made sure that Link was blocking most of his view, and that we were never really alone in the room. Just like before this whole thing had happened. Still the Sub training kept running around in my head. Deciding to take the plunge I called the number that was at the bottom of the flyer I nicked from the club. The female on the other side of the line was friendly and very helpful; there was a free spot for me just after my afternoon shift. I agreed to the time, writing it in my phone's agenda with a little notification thirty minutes before the appointment. I let out a deep sigh, happy I finally made that decision.

       When that day came I was nervous, I have been chewing on my bottom lip a lot. It got so bad that I chewed it until it bled. Now I am in the bathroom, pressing a wet paper towel against it to stop the bleeding. "Bear you're shift is over, is your lip still bleeding?" Rico asked as he leans against the doorjamb, I shake my head through the mirror. Removing the now light pink coloured paper towel, I am glad that it finally stopped bleeding. I had managed to wiggle ten minutes from my shift so I could stop ten minutes earlier, that way I could freshen up before heading to the meeting. "Thanks Rico." I smile as I open my locker and drop off my stuff before tugging on my clean shirt and army boots. I checked my pockets for my phone, keys and wallet. Finding those in the places they were supposed to be I head to my car for the twenty minute drive to the other side of town.

      The building where the meeting was held wasn't too shabby. It looked like an old Victorian building, probably privately owned by some hot shot banker. Wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans I gather my courage to knock. In the end I didn't need to since the door opened just as I raised my fist to knock by a petite looking female with glossy dark brown hair that cascades her back in waves. She was impeccably dressed in a floor-length dark green gown; her gaze was soft as she stared up at me. "Mister Bear I presume? I am Jessica, we spoke on the phone." Her smile was as soft as her gaze, calming my crazy-want-to-beat-out-of-my-chest heart. I swallow; lick my lips before deciding nodding would be best. "Good, thank you for coming. Please come in." She steps back and makes a sweeping gesture for me to enter the house.

    In the grand hallway, I see several expensive coats lining the coat racks as I am looking around for a hook where I can hang mine. "We have a few more on this side" Jessica gestures to the other side of the hallway and I spot several empty hooks. Blushing lightly I hang my beaten leather coat next to what I assume is an Armani coat before kicking off my boots. Jessica smiles in gratitude and leads me down the hall to a room where I can hear the hum of conversation coming from. All conversation dies as the people in the room take me in as I silently follow Jessica into the room and sit down a little clumsy on the two-seater she pointed to. I ignore the curious looks from the few females and the twink looking males. "Are you sure you're in the right place?" One asks, probably thinking I am a Dom as he seats himself down near my feet. "Now, now Felix." A pure deep male voice sounded from the threshold "It is none of your business why these people are here, despite of their physical appearance." The guy scurries over to his side with one last look I decide not to think deeply about and focus on the other male instead.

    The male's name is Darius Blackpool, owner of the building and Dom to both Jessica and Felix. Although he is just training Felix at the moment, much to guy's chagrin if his face is anything to go by as he said it. Within the walls of the manor, we all are to address him as Master Blackpool or Master Darius. During his talk about what it means getting into the lifestyle and what sacrifices might be demanded, Jessica and Felix made rounds with refreshments and snacks. I don't really trust Felix so I accept only things handed to me by Jessica. An hour and a half later, I am pulling on my boots and coat my phone bleeps. I frown when I see Link's name flash on my screen. "Hey what's up?" I wave to Jessica and Felix as I am one of the first to leave and step out of the house. "I want to know how your meeting went!" He chirps in my ear, making me chuckle as I unlock my car. "Hang on." I mumble as I fumble with my phone and the hands free thingy so we can talk as I drive back. I start the car as I hear Link grumble from the hands free thingy. I do not drive and call at the same time. "Well it was only the first meeting but it was just some background info on the lifestyle." I grumble as I stand for a red light. "Are you on your way home now? Or do you want to come over so we can talk about it?" I grin at the silent invitation of staying over. "If you are free tomorrow and The King agreed to it, then yes I will." I hear someone mumbling on the back ground before Link affirms that the King agrees and I quickly switch lanes. "Are you at your apartment or your Masters house?"

     He surprises me as he states that they are in his apartment, so I stick with the lane I switched to. A little detour never hurt anybody and within five minutes I am parking in front of Link's apartment building. With jittery nerves I make my way up the stairs to his floor and think about what I am going to say and how as I walk down the suddenly lengthy hallway. I have a deja-vu moment when I stop in front of his door and it opens once more before I can knock. My eyes widen as I take in the satisfied look the King is wearing as he stands there in the door opening, his shirtless torso lined with a few hickeys here and there. It seemed I clearly interrupted their fun time, "I—I can come back l—later!" I hated how my voice squeaked. The King was having none of that as he gently grabbed my shoulder, hauling me inside. I couldn't help the warm tingles that radiated from my shoulder through the rest of my body.

     "No, I am intrigued as well as to whom you met at the meeting. Who was the Dom at the meeting?" I fidget in my seat as I was helped out of my coat and shoes. I kept my gaze on the King's knees as I answered "Master Darius Blackpool." To my utter relief the King hummed his approval of the man; this means that Darius knows what he is doing. With my job I know there are a lot of Dom's that skim the laws of the lifestyle and see how far they can push their Sub. I have seen more than enough times the devastation that follows after a Dom crosses the line and leaves the Sub wrecked behind, and to add salt to the injury the Dom sometimes leave the wrecked Sub and takes on a new one. That is my ultimate fear; being led by a Dom with very specific tastes and then tossed to the side when I fulfilled my purpose. The King seemed to pick up on it "Don't worry Bear, if you decide to go down that road the Dom needs to be approved by me. You are my employee and I need to make sure that your relationship doesn't interfere with your job."

    Link's pov

    I had noticed that Bear seemed to be a little more settled by Master's words. I know for a fact that he had seen the mess left behind of what happens when a Dom crosses the hard line set by the Sub more than he cares to admit. It makes you rightfully cautious "So do you think you will be in this lifestyle?" We were lounging on the bed the next morning; we had been talking all night long about the meeting. Bear just laughed "I can't decide that after having gone to just one meeting stupid." He gave me a gentle shove and stalked to the kitchen. I pouted at him as I took my seat at the breakfast table, "I know that but from what you have seen and heard so far, what do you think?" Bear stopped stirring in the pot soup on the stove as he turned back to look at me. "I think if I can find someone I can trust and guide me properly, then I think I will give it a shot." Bear turned back to the stove as the pot started to produce worrisome sounds, I was glad he did. That way he couldn't see the obvious fake smile I had planted on my face. The thought of someone else intimately touching Bear and seeing his face blush and his body tremble in need made me furious.

    I couldn't get the image of Bear lightly tied up on the chair out of my head. Even though it had happened a long time ago, just thinking about it had my body and libido stirring. He looked so beautiful, his pupils blown wide, face flustered, his strong body straining against his bonds. I jacked off to that image more than once; I wasn't feeling ashamed at all. It was that one or the one where I sucked him off in Master's kitchen. I pounced on Bear the moment he just put the pot he was stirring in on the table. He let out a surprised grunt as we fell to the floor in a tangle of limbs. He was hesitant at first, his hands trying their best to shove me away. I was unrelenting with my assault on him and he finally gave in, kissing me back eagerly. I smirked as his body shivered and twitched under my touch, panting lightly his body gave into me. Nipping I made my way down from his perky nipples to his clenching abdomen, rubbing my cheek against his leaking member.

    Bear groaned as my rough stubble covered cheek rubbed against his sensitive skin. I thank God every day that Bear sleeps in the nude; that made things a whole lot easier. The stubble also reminded me that I needed to shave before Master comes to inspect me. But that was a worry for later; right now I just want to enjoy Bear's reactions to my ministrations. And he didn't disappoint, he was making all the right sounds as I played with him. His hands grabbed a tight hold on my ass as he started to grind himself shamelessly against my boxer covered shaft. Bear looked absolutely gorgeous like this that it made me wish Master was around to see it. But alas he wasn't and he told me that he wasn't looking to take on another Sub besides me. Maybe if he saw Bear like this, might it overrule or make him think twice about taking on another Sub. Preferably Bear. I don't want Bear to fall in the hands of someone like Roland. I know that Roland is also a very respectable man and a good Dom; I just couldn't see him and Bear together like that. It wouldn't work. I refuse to let Bear go, I just need Master to get with the programme. 

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