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The new Bear!

Bear's pov

My world narrowed down to the asshole walking in through the double doors like he owned the place. He had a smug smirk on his lips, knowing very well who I was and that I knew who he was. A lot could be said about Reagan, smug, arrogant, aloft. But ugly or hideous wasn't one of them. The years had treated him well, his arms where thick, his face well groomed, his skin looked healthy.

His eyes sparkled with dark humour as he took in my outraged expression. I knew I was being disrespectful by staring at him instead of looking away but I could bring myself to do it. Even with my intense training, I couldn't make my eyes drop.

Reagan took his time giving me a slow once over. I had to lock my joints to not shiver in disgust. His eyes left a trail of goose bumps in their wake, the only outwardly sign of my discomfort.

"Patrick, I want you to show Master Charles the respect he deserves."

I grit my teeth and give Reagan one last disgusted look before dropping my eyes to his broad chest. I didn't need to see his face, I knew for a fact that Reagan was revelling in the fact that I was reprimanded for not showing him proper etiquette. I would have snarled if it wouldn't get me punished as he loungingly took a seat on one of the leather chairs in front of Master Darius' desk.

I remained in my seat, muscles tense with his close proximity. My knuckles were white as they clutched the armrests. Master Darius' raised brow forced me to exhale my anger and relax my tense muscles. Once I relaxed in my seat did Master Darius look at Reagan.

"Master Charles, I want you to meet Submissive Patrick."

Fighting with myself not to snarl or scowl, I level my eyes on the part where his neck meets his chest.

"Look at me Patrick."

Although I haven't seen him in over a decade, his now deeper voice still made me shiver in anger and anxiousness. Finally lifting my eyes to his, I get sucked into the depths of his dark blue eyes. It was something that happened whenever you looked too hard or too long in his eyes and I forgot about it. It was the main reason I never really looked at Reagan for very long or in the eye when I was younger.

The sound of a throat being cleared finally pulled me back to the present. Slightly dazed, but present. Master Darius startled me when he got up from behind his desk and made his way to the double doors.

"Where are you going Master Darius?" I couldn't hold out the near hysterical note out of my voice. I did not wanted to be left alone with Reagan for any amount of time. Master Darius looked shocked or at least startled by my obvious reaction to him leaving the room.

"I am only going out to get some refreshments. Don't worry Patrick; I am not leaving the two of you alone for more time than it takes for me to tell Felix to bring us refreshments." He gave me one last soft look before he walked out the door. I could hear him murmur on the other side of the door. My frazzled nerves settled a little thanks to the knowledge that Master Darius was only a few feet away.

"So this is where you have been hiding Paddy?" The voice of Reagan close to my ear had me jumping out of my seat. I slap a hand over my ear where his breath had ghosted along my skin. Reagan -- or Charles as he now calls himself gave me a very leering look. "I never knew you were into this type of shit." He motioned around the room filled with pictures of naked people in several dominant and submissive poses. "Not that I really care. I am just glad I get to have you in my life again Paddy."

I really wanted to slap that arrogant and superior smirk of his face by bashing his head a couple of times against a brick wall. I shot him my nastiest glare and exhaled through my nose like a bull. "If you don't care for this 'shit' why, are you a Master of all things? Is this some passing phase for you? Do you get off on all the power they present you with? Is that it Reagan?" I should have known he couldn't pass up any opportunity for him to dominate someone. Whether it was psychical or emotional, Reagan would dominate anyone.

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