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Bear's humble desk

Link's pov

Something was wrong. I knew something was wrong the moment I laid eyes on Bear after he came back from his meeting with Master Charles Rains. Bear looked devoid of any spark that he had before meeting Master Charles. I had googled his name when I heard it and was terrified when I read that he was a Sadist Master. Right then and there I decided that Bear wasn't going through with this ridiculous notion. I wouldn't let him hurt Bear, even if Master Cedric doesn't agree with me. If he doesn't put a stop to this, I will. Regardless of the fact I could lose my position as his Sub.

"Hey, Bear."

Bear jumped up from his slumped over posture behind the desk. He relaxed slightly as he saw that it was just only me and not that new guy who had taken over when Roland was also suspended from working as security.

"Hi link. What's up?"

I hated the fact that he had bags under his eyes and that his beautiful face looked gaunt and grey. I didn't resist the urge to hug him and rubbing soothing circles along his broad tense shoulders. Bear sighed as he pressed his face further into my torso, mumbling something under his breath. I didn't need to know what it was, it was clear that whatever it was had greatly upset him.

"Come stay with me after work Bear. Master is in meetings all day and I miss my best buddy."

I gave him the stare we both know he couldn't resist. He tried hard not to give in but in the end my stare won and he gave in, with a huff of slight annoyance. Like always.

"Ugh, fine. I'll come."

Bear's pov

I just knew something like this was going to happen when Link spoke to me. I also knew that he wouldn't give up until I had spilled all the beans about what was bothering me. But how can I tell him? How can I find the words to express every violent emotion raging inside of me? I didn't know. So instead of feeling relieved, I felt more stressed and spaced out.

Not one word was spoken as we made our way to his apartment much to my surprise. Link grinned lightly at me as he noticed my surprised expression.

"I thought you'd feel more comfortable here instead of Master's house."

We both were surprised to see The King – or Master Cedric – sitting on the couch in the living room when we cleared the smallish hallway. We both bowed our heads in respect as he looked our way. I took a small step back, unconsciously feeling threatened by The King's presence. Link shifted and before I could blink I was surrounded by Link's arms and calming scent.

That was all it took for my walls to never let anyone in crumble to dust. Link tightened his hold on me as I started to shake and sob. I heard several clinking noises but my muddled mind couldn't place them. I willingly followed Link as he gently led me into the living room and sat down in one of the huge armchairs. A hot cup of strong smelling liquid was pressed into my badly shaking hands.

"Drink this; this will help you with the shaking."

The cup with the unidentified liquid was shaking so badly that it nearly spilled over.

"Take a deep breath Bear. A deep breath, come on Bear. Deep breathes."

The deep rumbled words accompanied with the warmth of his hand on the back of my neck brought the shivering to a stop. I still let out a sob every once in a while as I cautiously sip at the dark steamy liquid. A hot Toddy; warm whiskey, water and cloves. The taste was a little odd, but it made me feel warmer.

"I—I m—met....."

I choked on the rest as my shaking started once again. Somehow I can't seem to let Master Charles' or Reagan's leave my mouth. Once again I was being engulfed in warm arms, the cup, now empty was gently pried from my hands. Caring hands softly rubbed through my hair and I felt my tension drain.

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