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"Bear is mine!"

We both looked up at the gruff voice; Bear looked at me hopeful but deflated a little as he saw that I was just as startled as him. Bear clenched my shirt in his hands a little before he let go, looking a little sad as he did so, confusing the hell out of me. As soon as Bear and I were separated, Roland's arms wrapped around Bear's slightly shaking form as he murmured something in his ear. I couldn't help but feel that this situation was a little forced and Bear was forcing himself to accept Roland's affection. When I opened my mouth to speak up, Bear shook his head lightly and let Roland lead him back out to the car parking lot. I followed silently behind; still feeling conflicted by this development. Why am I acting like a jealous boyfriend? Shouldn't I be happy that Bear accepted Roland's obvious affection for him? Then why do I feel so conflicted? Those thoughts kept spinning round and round in my mind on the way home.

Standing in front of my own apartment door felt strange, I haven't been here in a while, like say three months. "Hello Scottie!" a cheery voice quipped from behind me, turning I was met with the happily beaming face of young Scottie. Hello Scottie, how have you been?" Before he could answer I heard his father's voice calling him back inside. He waved "I missed you Scottie!" I smiled slightly before opening my door and enter my dusty smelling apartment. I smiled slightly as I noticed the fully stocked fridge and a little note from Bear to eat properly when I get back home and that he misses me. Even though it's raining I opened the windows to get the musty smell out of the rooms, I was looking out over the park when the door behind me opened and Master walked in.

I relaxed fully as I was wrapped in Master's warm embrace, "What's on your mind Pet." His voice was warm as he nuzzled just under my ear. "I am a little confused on Roland sudden interest in Bear; I don't think Bear is ready for that kind of relationship. It looked like he was forcing himself to accept Roland's affection, and that doesn't sit well with me. I don't like the fact Bear is forcing himself instead of letting it come naturally. " Master turned me around and cupped my cheeks; making me look up to him. "If it is indeed so that Bear is forcing himself to accept Roland's affection, then it can't last very long. Our types of relationships are based on honesty and trust, if they are not the bases of this kind of relationship it can't last long and it will end up hurting both parties."

The last thing Bear needed was ending up hurt again, especially in his current state of mind. If he is certain he wants to stay in this relationship with Roland, then I hope I can somehow make him tell Roland his true feelings and not force them back and just agree to everything Roland says because he is the Dom. I hope to persuade I can him to be as open with Roland like he is with me. Though it is quite hard to get a private word with Bear ever since he went home with Roland the other day, the man was literally everywhere I turned when I wanted to privately talk to Bear about the situation. Master just laughed slightly as I grumbled to him about not being able to actually talk to Bear without Roland breathing down our necks. Master claimed that it has been a while since Roland had a Sub he could train so he might be a little excited, just like he was when I first called him Master.

Yet, I was pleasantly surprised when Bear turned up on my apartment's doorstep the other day. He seemed to be okay, although he still looked a little gaunt and grey. I pulled him in a firm hug "How have you been Bear? I haven't seen you since Roland took you home." Bear blushed a little as I mentioned Roland as he shuffled in, making a beeline for the couch after losing his coat and shoes. "So tell me, what happened?" I settled in my reading chair opposite of the couch, so I can keep a close eye on Bear's reactions. I guess old habits die hard as I immediately pick up on Bear's nervous fiddling and he wouldn't meet my eyes, not one time. "When Roland brought me home, he offered me to take care of me and introduce me to the kink. But I don't know if I am ready just yet to make that step."

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