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                Link's pov

                As I stare out of the grassy green hills of my home town, I don't feel the peace and serenity it usually gives me. My mind draws up the panic stricken faces of Master Cedric and Bear when I told them I was leaving for Scotland in a few hours and wasn't too certain when I would be coming back. What I haven't told them was that I only had bought a single ticket, but figured Master would figure it out soon enough.

                As much satisfaction it gave me for them to watch me walk out of their lives, I don't feel it now, two and a half months later. Both call me regularly and text me, at least once a day I need to listen to my voicemails and delete them. The only reason I even listen to them is to hear any news or update on the Reagan situation. Although it tugs at my heartstrings to hear Bear so emotionally broken and unstable, I just can't face him or Master Cedric right now. Not with how unstable my own mind is at the moment.

                "I would have never pegged you for a runner cous." I don't look up as my younger cousin Ailsa took a seat beside me on the grass. Nor do I scoff at his presence like most of my family do. All because he attracts all kinds of trouble with not being able to keep big mouth shut. I lost count of the occasions where I have seen him beaten up to a bloody mess. The rates and the amount were staggering. His parents don't know what to do with him anymore and so, the rest of the family dubbed him the black sheep of the family.

                "What brings you here, dear cousin of mine?" I glance sideways at his roughish good looks. Like most males in our family he takes after his father. Tall, broad, intimidating, fierce and highly protective of his loved ones. I have a slight inkling of why he is here instead of my brothers or his. The cheeky grin he gives me speaks volumes. There is trouble brewing in paradise.

                 The listless sigh that followed my question was a statement in itself. Ailsa has had a track record of being unable to keep a steady relationship with anyone. One of the few reasons people called him the bane of his parents' existence. But there was a glimmer of hope on the horizon when voluptuous and adventurous Sheila entered his life. It seemed she managed to sway him to finally settle down or at least tone down his attitude. The sad part is that while his parents slowly start to have hope for grandchildren, they don't know that Ailsa's older sister is paying her to play the part. Ailsa knows about it and hasn't called her on it...yet. My bet is that he did and he left them to fight it out amongst themselves.

                 "I was wonderin' when you'd be going back, and if you do, if I could come with." The question itself didn't throw me. It was the person asking it that did it. Never once since I moved to the Pleasure District, or back when I was still a cop did Ailsa express any interest in the hustle and bustle of the city. So why now of all times? I couldn't help but wonder. Though, I knew better than to pry with Ailsa about his reasons of going to the city. He would tell me when he was ready.

                 "I don't know if I am going back anytime soon." I groan as I flop down on my back to stare at the sky dotted with puffy white clouds.

" I groan as I flop down on my back to stare at the sky dotted with puffy white clouds

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