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Hello- so this is my Watcher Au- the first chaoters will be short but as we go on they will get longer-
TW: Mention of, blood, abuse, using, torture, death/killing, beating, kidnapping.
Comment if i missed any!!
Enjoy :D

Third person POV:

It was all he knew...

Xelqua- no Grian has been through it all.
From an insane, obsessed "best friend" to being ripped away from his friends and home by watchers....


They were known for taking people away from their homes. Torturing them and forcing them to become one.
Watching servers was what they do.

Invading them, ripping things apart, burning and destroying them.

With. No. Mercy.

Grian was one of those. He was taken away and trained for a month to be a watcher. Did something wrong? No problem. Some torture and then tey it again.

When he was in charge of watching a server he started ignoring the rules and pulling pranks.

Oh boy did he face the concequenses.

How long? He cant remember.

There is no such thing as time in the void.

All he remembers is being locked up.

Tortured every day. Daring to speak against? Oh boy it would get so much worse.

But now.

After nobody knows how long he was being released.

Not fully free.

He had to watch a server called hermitcraft, though he couldn't see because of his mask and the blood stains on his face.

He had to bring out reports to the watchers but always made things up.

They let it slide, seeing him surfer more and more to make up something.

They often scolded at him.
Piece of trash.
I dont get why he is still here.
Cant we kill him already?.

But today is the day.
Today he will escape.
It was server hop day meaning all watchers get a new server and the code barriers are the weakest.

Grian waited for the signal.

ᒷ⍊ᒷ∷||𝙹リᒷ ⊣𝙹 ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ||𝙹⚍∷ リᒷ∴ ᔑᓭ╎⊣リᒷ↸ ᓭᒷ∷⍊ᒷ∷!!

There it was.
He jumped into the hole...

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