Chapter I.

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Hello- Chapter one :D
TW: Panicking/hyperventilating, blood, described scars etc., torture
comment if missed any!!
Enjoy :DD

Third person POV:

As the hermits were joining in they notices a boy, around nineteen they were guessing.

He had a big dark purple cloak with golden edges covering his whole body, huge purple wings with here and there a golden feather, he had a white pointy mask on with a symbol.

The watchers symbol.

As the last hermit stepped out of the portal he walled to the group to see what was wrong. Everyone backed away from him, seeing most of the hermits scared and others who have drawn out their weapons.

"Doc tie him up. He seems unconsious for now but he will probaly wake up soon."

Doc grinned and nodded, tying up his wings and feet tightly. He grabbed his arms and pulled them from under the cloak but everyone was shocked at the sight of them.

Cuts, burn wounds, wounds, dried up bloot and some wounds that were infevted all over them. Doc shook his head and tied them up tightly whe a girl started talking to the admin.

The boy slowly started to move as the admin walked up to him.

Grians POV:

as i slowly got my conciousness back i felt something grab my chin. "Finally awake..." A voice said. "Speak up. What is your name and why are you here." I tried to speak but i couldn't. I opened my mouth but no sound came out.

"X let me handle it please... I think his throat is sore... He needs medical attention..." A female voice said. "Fine." The voice said as he let go of my chin and backed off. I felt the presense of a new person in front of me.

Third person POV:

A woman crouched down infront of Grian. "Hey..." She said softly. "Can i take of your mask so its easier to drink luv?..." She said calmly.
Grian shakingly nodded tearing up at the pain.

She slowly took of his mask and what was underneath shocked everyone.

His nose was set weong, probaly broken, dried blood dripping down his face and over his eyes, Scars, cuts, bruises and wounds scattered all across his face.

Grians POV:

As the mask was slowly taken off my face i flinched and closed my eyes quickly because of the light. "Oh my... X he needs serious help." I heard the female say.

"Stress he still is a watcher. He. Still. Is. A. Monster!" He said sternly. I felt another presense, someone touching my shoulder. "What if he had no choice?..." A high pitched male voice said. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up, revealing cuts and scars under my chin.

Stress got up and started arguing with X, someone trying to calm her down from behind.

Third person POV:

As Stress and X were arguing Grian looked up, seeing a tall, black haired male with a moustache and a kind smile.

"Lets get off that cloak... it must be heavy and hot..." He said as Grian slowly nodded.

He slowly grabbed the cloak at the edges. "Mumbo no. It can be dangerous." Doc said grabbing everyones atention.

Mumbo ignored the calls and pulled it off, everyone shocked and silent at the sight of the boys back.

Wounds, scars, blood, burns, bruises, cuts, but most importantly a huge watcher symbol engraved into his skin on his back.

"X we have to help him he is hurt!" Stress spoke up. "He could still be on their side for all we know!" Doc said and Doc and Stress started arguing. Grian tried to talk but he couldn't. 

"ENOUGH!!" Mumbo yelled as someone else came over to them and covered Grians ears against the loud noises. "CANT YOU SEE HE IS TRYING TO TALK?! HE NEEDS SOME WATER AND FOOD. HE LOOKS UNDER FED AND HIS TROATH IS SORE." Mumbo yelled bringing some hermits in emedeant action.

Mumbo never yelled before nor got angry at them so this suprised the group. The hermits gave the water and food to Mumbo who helped Grian eat and drink.

"T-t-thank y-you..." He stumbled out, his throat still a bit sore. "Can you tell us your name?..." Mumbo asked calmly. "Xel-" Grian stopped. starting to hyperventilate. "Shhh... its okay... take your time..."  A soothing voice from the other man said, helping Grian sit up reaveling his chest also covered in burns, scars and wounds. 

"I-its G-grian..." Grian said more calmly as Mumbo looked confused. "That name is familiar..." Mumbo said. "It is..." X said. "Why are you here?." Doc said, suspicious of Grian. "I-i tried e-escaping from them... the watchers... A-and well it worked..." Grian answered and X nodded in return. 

"I supose we can let him stay here until we have more information... Grian the first few days you will stay with me and e will see further after, Stress, if you can set up a quick medical tent for treatment and help him." X said and Stress nodded. "Mumbo you can untie him." Mumbo did as told and everyone went to get started on starter bases and suplies while Mumbo, Stress, X and the other person stayed here with Grian.

And thats how season six began...

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