Chapter II

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Hello :D
TW: fainting, not sure for others.
Enjoy :DD

Third person POV:

"And you are good to go!" Stress said as Grian sat up. "Thank you very much miss.." Grian said miserably with a weak smile. "Are you okay luv?" Stress said with concern. "yeah yeah... its just-" Grian paused for a second tearing up a bit. "I can't remember the last time someone helped me..." Stress hugged him, making Grian flinch and suprised at first but giving in.

"Stress are you almost do-" X walked in as he saw Grian and Stress hugging, Grian crying and Stress looking concerned at X. "Grian, luv, can you wait outside while X and i talk please?.." Stress said as she letted go of Grian. Grian whiped his tears, nodded and walked outside.

Grians POV:

As I walked outside I heard Stress starting to talk. I sat down in the grass under a tree surrounded by flowers and tried to remember how to make a flower crown. As i was making a flower crown a tall green man with a cyborg arm and eye came up to me. "Hey. Watcher." He said as I shrinked under his gaze. "H-hello sir, what do you n-need?..." I tried to be as polite as possible. "What I need is for you to be gone." He crouched down.

"Filthy. Little. Watcher."

The words stung. Like I was being stabbed over and over again with every word.
"Doc." I snapped back to reality and saw X standing behind the man. "Leave him be... I know you hate watchers, most of us do but we dont know his story." X said and the Doc person growled softly. "Fine." Doc got up. "But next time I see him he is done." He said and he walked away. 

"Did he hurt you Grian?." X said and I nodded no. I got up and picked up the flower crown I made.

Third Person POV:

Grian picked up the flower crown he made and gave it to X, smiling proudly at his creation. "Why thank you Grian." X said. "We will find a place to settle and make a hut to stay in before its dark, tommorow I have an admin meeting, you can come too, I already informed the Prime admins."
Grian nodded and they took off to find a place to settle.

Time skip brought to you by Sahara.

"Alright Grian, just stay close to me and everything will be alright, understood?" X said looking down at the small boy and smiled gently. Grian nodded and they entered the portal. 

As they stepped out of the portal Grian was amazed by the tall halls with glass roofs and all the bridges to portals and pathways to offices crossing over and under eatchother with a bottem that was so deep, it seemed to go on and not stop. It was really bussy so X took Grians hand as they started to walk up stairs and down pathways.

They finally reached the meeting room but Grian stopped infront of the door.

Grians POV:

"Gri- why- sto-" Was all he heard as memories flooded his mind. A person sitting on a throne, dirt blonde hair, red sweater and beautiful golden wings, a smile across his face and a flower crown on top. then other memories flooded in. A bunny boy. Then the same red sweater boy looking scared, this time headphones and a blue T-shirt. Then the same boy with a red sweater, fighting in a server. It all was too much. Who was this boy? Why does it feel so familiar?

"Gri-" He slowly started to hear again. 
"an!" He slowly opened his eyes.

"GRIAN!" He heard X yell. Grian looked up to see that he was laying in his arms. "Thank goodness your awake, you fainted before we entered the room..." X said with a calming voice, setting him carefully back down. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I am alright..." He said.

Third person POV:

X was concerned for the boy but he hid it and they entered the meeting room. "Ah, X and I asume Grian. We were waiting for you two. Go sit down so we can start."  A female voice said. Grian and X sat down. Grian nervously looked around as the meeting began. 

After a while the female voice spoke again after a second of silence. "Onto the next topic, Xisuma, you said you found a watcher in your newest world after the server hop?" She said calmly as this grabbed everyones atention. "Thats correct Prime Admin Madelyn." X said, standing up. "This is Grian, we found him after we hopped out of the portal. He was covered in wounds, scars, burns, dried up blood, cuts and some of his bones were broken. He said he escaped from the watchers. We have not gotten more information yet." X said, sitting back down.

 "Grian, could you please give us your full story?" Madelyn said.

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