LUHAN's EXCLUSIVE interview with Sina❤

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*Part 5: Discussing the Future, Optimistic Luhan Not Scared

Q: Before your health wasn't good, how has it been recently?

Luhan: I'm currently recovering and listening to the doctor's suggestions. I do what the doctor tells me to do. I can make sure I sleep enough now so I am recovering well.

Q: You just returned, are you a bit scared about the future?

Luhan: Not really, maybe a little. But because fans, family, and friends around me help me a lot, those thoughts disappear very quickly.

Q: Your parents must be very happy that you've come back. Have they told you anything?

Luhan: My parents think it's really good. They said as long as you're happy, and it's best if you're healthy. They are not really looking for anything.

Q: For the future do you wish to lay out one path on your own or just let things be?

Luhan: First let nature take its course, secondly communicate with my team.

Q: Are you the type who wants to make his own decisions?

Luhan: Not really, but I'll hold my opinion. I lean more towards open discussion.

Q: How do you de-stress? Do you talk to people?

Luhan: I wait until I'm alone, but this is a secret. I de-stress on my own. (Lao Gao adds: "he's pretty optimistic").

Q: You're so optimistic, is there anything that brings you down?

Luhan: Flying long distances and not being able to play soccer.

Q: Often the optimistic ones hide a sad soul. Are you like this?

Luhan: HAHAHAHAHA (tries hard to make a sad expression) (staff adds: "you're thinking too highly of him").

Q: If you didn't go to Korea, would you still be doing this?

Luhan: I think so, but it would be a different life. When I was young my dream was to be a soccer athlete, that was my first dream. My second dream was to be a singer.

Q: On one hand you have many fans who love you, but on the other hand maybe a lot of Chinese people don't know you yet. Do you feel troubled by this?

Luhan: I won't feel troubled. To me, this is a kind of motivation. Let things be, if people want to get to know me they will get to know me, I don't have any specific goal for that.


End Of Part 5.


You may now proceed to
⇨Part 6: Love and Friendship Both Depend on the Feeling❤

Thank you and Enjoy!:***



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