Chapter 9

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The fire was warm on Hashirama's hands as he held them out close to the fireplace. His mind had wandered to what he'd tell his brother when he saw him again. The feelings he felt for Madara were complex and he didn't quite understand them himself. Putting it into words seemed difficult. When he'd look at Madara, he didn't see a monster like before. He simply saw a man that was burdened with a darkness he didn't ask for. There was kindness and love in him, even if it was shown in peculiar ways.

Of course, Hashirama still had his doubts. He often wondered if it was all just a ruse. Madara had admitted to keeping other humans hostage, so it's possible he told them the same things. But one thing that always seemed to push those thoughts aside was the way Madara looked at him. His eyes seemed to shine brighter when he looked at Hashirama. Then there's the smile that would curl on his lips every time Hashirama spoke, even if it was of something ridiculous. He looked at him as if he hung the moon and the stars in the sky. That didn't seem like something one could fake.

Even now, Madara admired him from behind his desk. His eyes were memorizing every detail in Hashirama's silhouette.

"I can feel you staring," Hashirama remarked with a slight grin.

"I'm not staring," Madara chuckled. "Just admiring the view."

Hashirama stepped away from the fireplace and stood in front of Madara's desk. He leaned over with puckered lips that planted a kiss on the apple of Madara's right cheek. His skin was cold against Hashirama's warm lips. The sensation was still something he needed to get used to.

"What did you do before me?" Hashirama teased with a hint of genuine curiosity.

"Hm," Madara hummed. "I suffered greatly."

"And now?"

Madara rose up and returned a kiss on Hashirama's cheek. "I still suffer from your annoying questions."

A laugh erupted from Hashirama, making Madara laugh a little himself. They settled down and Hashirama shifted into a more serious mood.

"What will happen when I continue to age?" Hashirama asked.

Madara frowned. "That doesn't matter."

"But what will you do? I'll die eventually."

"You talk like you actually want to be around me," Madara grinned. "Does this mean you actually like me, Hashirama?"

Hashirama pouted with a 'hmph.'

"Don't change the subject," he scolded.

"I'll just die," Madara replied bluntly. "I've lived long enough."

"What if I wanted to be transformed into what you are?" Hashirama asked. "Would you do it?"

Madara looked up with a puzzled appearance. He almost looked frightened. "Is that what you want?"

"I don't know. It'd be quite the contradiction."

"No, I wouldn't want to," Madara huffed. "It would be cruel to burden you with this."

Hashirama knew better than to push a subject that Madara felt passionately about, but it still left him feeling a little unsettled. Their future together would be unusual for sure. It was honestly unusual to even consider a future with Madara at all. Growing old while Madara stayed physically young wasn't something Hashirama pictured for himself---but then again, he never thought he'd mingle with a vampire. He definitely did not want to become one, but if he truly loved Madara...then maybe he'd consider eternal life with him.

"Moving on from one uncomfortable subject to another," Hashirama sighed. "When can I go see my brother?"

"Tch." Madara glared from over his book.

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