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"Did he really just-" Jia scoffed standing there still, as if she was paralized. "I swear to god im gonna kill him one day"

"President Hwang. Our schdeule is full today so its better to go back-" Jia cut Seeun off middle sentence. "Clear my schedule for today. Im gonna spent all my time, designing to Mr. Kang's expectations."

One thing you must know about Jia is that she will, never, literally never, let someone destroy her pride and with what Kang Taemoo did today, he was on the verge of getting beaten up by Jia.


"You heard me Seeun" she replied making her way out of the office and then out of the building, knowing she will come back later this day.

Arriving back to her company building, the girl was greeted hapily by all her employees passing by. However, lost in her thoughts, she didnt mind the polite greets of them and just straight up headed to her familiar office. Jia toke a seat on her marine-blue coloured chair and unpacked all her utensils. Soon enough the drawing and sketching process started. In her head, she reminded herself what President Kang said 'exclusive and new'. Of course it took her a lot of time. Jia had to include details, had to make sure none of her previous designs matched up with this one, since she basically just got scolded about how 'its not approvable'.

In between, Mrs. Han often came to check up on her boss, asking if she needed anything or if she wanted to take a quick lunch-dinner break, which she of course denied.

It was the same process everytime: Sketching, drawing, Mrs. Han interupting the creativity process, checking the sketch up with her previous designs and if it matched up the sketches were thrown away, if they werent then the drawings would be placed in a big stack of other design ideas.

Luckily Jia had a pile of the top three drawings by the evening. Of course it was late and it would be crazy to head to the GoFood company at night, but Jia, like always, couldnt care less. In her office' couch, there layed Seeun sound asleep, so Jia quickly wrote a note for her Secretary, telling her to go home.


I couldn't wake you up, so i want to let you know that i headed to President Kang's company building. Go home and rest a lot, okay? Im sorry for making you wait for me.


With that, the girl grabbed her sketches and practically ran to her car, she had parked at the companys parking lot earlier that morning.

Soon she arrived outside the building, only to see Mr. Cha heading to his car. Jia realized what is happening, so she had no other choice, than to chase after him and bluntly open the door of his cars passanger seat, taking a seat there.

"President Hwang?" Cha Sunghoon asked perplexed and somewhat dumbfounded. "Hey" Jia answered out of breath from the sudden run. She wasnt really athletic to be honest, so these kind of situations were preferred to be avoided by her. Just now she didnt have any other options.

"Im not trying to be rude, but what are you doing in my car?" he asked, understandably. "Chill, im not trying to kill you or something like that. I have prepared new sketches and since you were most probably heading home, i figured that President Kang most likely is too and you're the only person who can bring me to him.". Secretary Cha nodded still surprised by Jias sudden action. "Im actually heading to pick Mr. Kang up right now-"

"Great! Please start the drive then" Jia cut him off. Again Mr. Cha nodded not asking a single more thing, figuring that, they'll be late otherwise.

"So why are you picking him up" Jia asked after sone time of complete silence, trying to make some small talk. "He is on a blind date" he answered no specific emotion showing in his voice. Still Jia had to somewhat laugh at his comment. "A blind date? That poor woman" she uttered, making Cha Sunghoon also let out a small giggle, a smile maintaining his face.

"I made someone smile today. I guess thats my good deed for the day." the girl voiced again, slightly streching her arms, when suddenly a beautiful looking girl almost got hit by the car they were sitting in. Of course Jia went to check up on her, when then again a elderly looking woman almost ran over Jia, chasing the pretty looking girl. Dumbfounded she went into the car again, followed by her new business partner, Kang Taemoo.

"What are you doing here?" Taemoo asked astonished, the question of course being directed towards Jia. "Good to see you too, Partner" Jia scoffed looking at him, it turned like an habit, everytime she saw or heard of him she automatically scoffed. Seeing that Jia wasnt answering him directly, he looked at Sunghoon waiting for an answer, he eventually said "She wanted to show you her sketches"

As Jia remembered why she was here again, she grabbed the newly made drawings and handed them to President Kang just how she did earlier this morning. He looked through the 3 designs and had no specific emotion showing on his face, again. However, when he returned them to her, he looked quite satisfied. "They are good, you have the green light" Jia smiled. She knew he wouldnt be able to reject them these time so she told Sunghoon to drop her off at the GoFood company building, since she had parked her car there, when trying to catch up with Mr. Cha. He simply nodded and started the car. "How was the blind date?"

"The woman you almost drove over. Thats her." Jia almost choke on her own saliva hearing the just said comment. Sunghoon's reaction being almost the same. "That beautiful girl, why did she run away? I mean, i dont blame her, i would've ran away too if i went on a blind date with you, but still?" Again a small laugh escaped Sunghoon's lips, Jia still recieved an death stare from Kang Taemoo, she bluntly shrugged it off though.

"She didnt run away because of me! She was caught cheating so that other woman followed her."

"Cheating?" Sunghoon and Jia siad in sync. "She said she really liked men and that she had something with 4-5 men at the same time"

"Wow. That girl is superior. I want to be friends with her, oh my god" Jia voiced excited, only gaining somewhat disturbed glances, from the other two males in the car.

For the rest of the ride they only discussed or rather argued about Jia's thoughts on Kang Taemoo's blind date.

Not much later they dropped her at her destination, bidding their last good byes for the day. Jia calmly and sleepily drove back home, arriving there she fell into the mysteries of the dream world, without even changing in her pajamas nor taking off her make up.

She was happy how today turned out, even though at first not everything went her way. Everything she knows now is that the next weeks or even months are going to be quite adventures.

𝒆𝒖𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 - 𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒂𝒆-𝒎𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now