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"Huh, Eunwoo?"

The guy came running towards her. Never did he expect to see the girl in this state at a day like this. He engulfed her into a hug not caring about the fact the liquid is now on his clothes too. "Who the fuck got you in this state!" Eunwoo exclaimed, raising his voice slightly. He was angered, furious on how anyone would come to sabotage the main character of this event. "What do i do now, huh? I am done!" the girl cried out to him as she hid her face in his chest. "Calm down alright! We got this! I got you!" he stood up abruptly pacing around the room with his hand on his forehead. He knew that the situation wasnt bad, nor unsolvable. The fact that Jia was freaking out, that made him totally enraged. 

Suddenly an out-of-breath Seeun came stumbling into the room. "OHMYGODMSHWANGIMSORRY" she breathed out half-yelling and half...? Dying? That's what she looked like as she kneeled down, trying to catch her breath. The secretary not made her way towards her boss checking out her state after having bumped into a crying Ha-ri, who confessed on her accident.

"Alright, alright! So we have brought extra clothes from other collections of yours! We can use them right!" Seeun cupped her friends face trying to calm her down. "No you dont get it! I specifically made this for this event, i cant wear something i had created years ago which the whole world knows about!" she answered in between sobs. Now what would you do in this situation, go on stage with a yellow-ish stain all over your clothes or wear something that was created a few years earlier, except for that, it not fitting the theme of this collection at all? Right, Jia would rather die than do any of those. Its not only the fact that millions of people are watching through a livestream right now and some of the most famous celebritys are attending too, but that her ego and pride would not allow her to go on the catwalk like this. Anyone's pride at this point, because that is just humiliating...

"I- I need to go to the company, i have been working on a piece. It was supposed to be for my nwxt collection but right now its better than anything else!" Jia exclaims as she stands up slowly. "You cant go out like this! There are cameras flooding outside, Jia!" Seeun argues making the said girl slump back down, putting her hand on her forehead dramatically.

"I'll go." the two snapped their heads towards the male voice. "Just tell me where exactly it is and i'll get it for you" he finishes making Jia stand back up excitedly, with hope that everything might get better again.

"Its my office on the top floor!" Jia exclaims giving him her keys. "I have some mannequins in there for designs, the one with the attire, is the one i mean, alright?" she explained to a nodding Eunwoo who leaves immediatly after.

'Thank you, Eunwoo...'


A sigh escaped the girls lips after looking at the clock on the wall. Fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes are left till Jia has go go on stage. She decided that even if Eunwoo didnt make it on time, she still owned him a huge thank you, for everything. "Jia you know.."

"I know Seeun, if he doesnt make it, i'll just go like this" the secretary sighed now too knowing that Jia would rather jump down a building than doing anything like that. The media is unforgiving and seeing her looking unpresentable would make them drag her for weeks, months even.

Minutes passed, no sight of Eunwoo. No one was to blame except for herself, she thought. 'If only I had been more careful, this wouldnt have happened...'

"JIA!" a scream appeared out of nowhere, startling secretary and boss as they notice Eunwoo, hair all wet. It must've been raining, Jia concluded. His blazer jacket wrapped around the piece of clothing to keep it from getting wet. He ran towards the girl handing her the clothes as he brushed his hair with his fingers. "I'll see you in a few" he mumbled as he exited the room. Jia looked at the dress with admiration, the inspiration were her feelings, the positive ones which made the cloth look so insanely beautiful. Immediatly Seeun pushed her to get into it as she only had a few more minutes left.

Neat glittery makeup was retouched on the beautiful girls face as she slowly made her way towards the mirror backstage. She looked breathtakingly angelic. A dress sent from the highest level of paradise, a face made by god himself. The dress being a purely white silk piece, with multiple layers making it look puffed up on the bottom, while its strapless on the top defining her collarbone. The material one the arms as well as the first layer of the bottom is see-through, making everything look more detailed. Proudly, Jia could say, from start till end, everything was made herself.

"Hwang Jia, on stage!" a male staff yelled out from the back stage signalizing that its time for her to move up.

Seeun sent her one last look of 'you-got-it!' with two thumbs up before she walked the stairs up to the cat walk.

As if everything went extra slow, Jia felt camera lights flashing, loud applause, a series of cheering and compliments being said and most importantly shocking eyes on the appearance of the girl. The dress was made for her, everyone could tell. This was her night.

Jia bowed as she reached the middle of the stage and started speakung into the microphone "Today is a huge and special day for me and my team. We have worked insanely hard for this night to be possible and i am more than thankful for everyone being here and of course everyone watching through the livestream!" she pointed at the camera on the last bit. "I want to thank my comapny and all of the staff for everything here. The most gorgeous models of course too who shined in all pieces today! Thank you again" she bowed one last time as again a round of cheers broke out. The girl waved at everyone with the sweetest smile, as if the breakdown not even an hour ago didnt even happen. Professionalism, huh?

Making it back down to the backstage, all the models go up again for the last time to end the show. Jia immediatly running to hug Seeun who had been waiting excitedly for the girl. "I did it Seeunie!" Jia squeeled fully happy now that everything is over. "Yah! Of course you did! You're Hwang Jia after all!" Seeun joked hugging the girl again.

On stage, in the audience two certain people were totally shaken from the appearance of the girl.

One was not only shocked but totally starstruck. How could someone be this amazing? No matter how often he had seen her, would she get more beautiful every single time? His feelings all over the place. 'What are you doing to me, Hwang Jia?'

The other one, couldn't believe no matter how hard he tried. Was he in a dream? Why is he feeling like this, his heart almost jumping out as its beating so fast. Only who exactly is she? An angel maybe, thats the only valid explanation! Why, is she making him feel like this, he shouldnt feel like this for her, never. 'What are you doing to me, Hwang Jia?'


authors note
not spell checked smh 😞

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