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"I'm sorry, i think i heard you wrong! I thought you said that you wanted me to go on a date with Tae-moo! Ha ha!" 

"Yes, thats right. You didn't hear me wrong Jia"

"OH- oH- I'm sorry Chairman Kang! I mean- I could never- go on a date with your grandson, we are just business partners!"

"Jia. I get you. That punk can be annoying, cold, disrespectful and not really out-going you know? But you know how they say 'opposites attract' right?"

Jia sighed, knowing there is no way to get out of this now. "Okay, i'll do it. For you." Suddenly Chairman Kang started cheering from the other line, making Jia giggle. "All right, have a good day Jia-ah!" he said before hanging up. Jia set her phone down on the table infront of her. Deciding it would be best to go home, she did so. Arriving home, she again just walked past her other three family members, as if she didn't even see them. Jia slowly made her way upstairs, went into her room and closed the door. The high heels were killing her feet and she could feel the pain rising up. So what she did was simply get them off and further on change into her pj's. 

Jia was ready for a peaceful night full of sleep and this time with no unnecessary thoughts.


The phone. It was ringing and guess what it's 4 AM in the morning! Sleepily Jia grabbed her phone and picked the call up. 

"Hwang Jia-sshi, are you awake" just from the voice, she knew who was calling her, though she couldn't care less. 


"-Why are you calling me at 4 AM in the morning" she finished.

"Do i look like an archaeopteryx?" he whispered, shamefully.

"What?" Jia replied, not really getting the question, due to him speaking so quietly.

"I said, do i look like an archaeopteryx?" he repeated, this time loud enough for Jia to understand.

"Are you fucking kidding me? That's what you called me for?!"Jia said full of disbelieve, though she was right. Why would someone call in the early morning and ask if they look like some dinosaur? 

"Just answer the question please!" he said, just wanting an honest answer.

"Actually, everytime i look at your face it reminds me of some ugly aechaeopteryx, so yes!" Jia finalized and hung up, feeling proud of herself.


Jia woke up the same morning full of energy, even though she got a call, a really unnecessray one on top of that, in the early morning. It was about 9 AM and she had no work today, since it was her company's anniversary. Every year the whole company has a free day on the anniversary, so she toke her time doing her daily morning routine. After completing her skin care and make-up, she continued by chosing todays outfit.

𝒆𝒖𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 - 𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒂𝒆-𝒎𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now