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"Are you okay?" a voice occured, startling Jia.  As she looked up, she was amazed by the facial features of this man. His appearance was what Jia would describe as 'perfect'

"Oh, I'm okay, thanks for the concern" she replied simply, still not wanting to trust a stranger. "Well, it doesn't look like you're fine at all." he argued making Jia look up at him again, the handsome stranger then toke a seat on the bench next to her. He continued by taking his jacket off and strapping it over Jia's shoulders. The rain began to wet his once neat white shirt along with his perfectly styled hair, though it only made him look more handsome than he already was before, at least in Jia's eyes. "Staring is rude, you know?" he said smirking slyly while looking back at Jia. She began to fake cough to ease the embarrasment. "I wasn't staring". "You sure were." 

"-What are you even doing here, if i can ask? Because its like late at night, and not safe. Also your outfit, you could get a cold from the rain, which is literally pouring in streams right now." he asked, obviously concerned and curious. Jia knew this question would come up, so she prepared herself to answer in a honest way. "I don't really know myself actually. I was supposed to go on a date, with my business partner, because his grandfather practically begged me. When he arrived there though, he told his grandfather about having a girlfriend and wanting to marry her. I could've sworen i hated him! He is a idiot, cold hearted bastard! I don't know why i care so much!" she finalized, saying the last words in between sobs and tears. The guy looked at her with pure eyes, ones that signalized understanding. He understood her. He didn't laugh at her nor tried to minimalize her reason to be crying on a rainy night at a literal bench. Instead he put his left arm over her shoulder, letting her cry out on his chest. And Jia didn't argue back, she let the tears flow, in the surprising warmth of the strangers chest. Though this moment didn't last long. "Let's bring you home" he exclaimed, helping Jia up. 

Here they were, in a expensive looking car, while the stranger drove Jia home. "Can i know your name at least?" she said. "Its Nam Eunwoo, don't be formal with me though" Jia nodded. "My name is Hwang Jia" she voiced this time, making the guy look at her confusingly. "Hwang Jia? Like the fashion designer? Like the model?" he said in shock, now noticing the familiar features. "Yes, that's me" she said simply. To be honest, she didn't want the guy to know her name. Not in that way, its because she doesn't want to be a celebrity in his eyes. She doesn't want him to treat her diffrent now that he knows her social status. As the guy noticed her sour expression, he immediatly said "Oh, are you dissapointed that i didn't figure it out earlier?" making Jia laugh slightly. "Well, no. Its the opposite. I didn't want you to know" at that he turned confused again saying "Why? Isn't it cool to be noticed outside?" Again Jia laughed at his pureness, putting a smile on Eunwoo's face. "I just don't want people to treat me diffrently" he nodded understanding. "Don't worry, its just a bit shocking, thats it!" he expressed reassuringly. Thats what Jia already liked about him. He had a pure personality, a kind heart. 

"Oh and now just turn left!" Jia said, while Eunwoo nodded. They were almost at Jia's house now. "Thanks, for the drive. And the comforting words." she said smiling at him. "No need to thank me, just be safe. And don't cry over a guy okay?" Jia gave him a nod and with that she was ready to leave. She looked back one last time, before entering her house. 

"Jia dear, how was it?" her mother came rushing up to her, only stopping when noticing the smeared make-up all over her face and the now half wet clothes. "What happened?" Ms. Hwang changed the question, looking at her daughter full of concern. "Can i tell you all tomorrow? today was a mess." she asked, seeing her brother and father, rushing up to her now too. 

The poor girl, closed the door of her room. She did feel better, the talk with Nam Eunwoo was quite therapeutic. Just now, she couldn't get him, the new guy, out of her head. She felt a sence of comfort in him. Still she brushed the thoughts out of her head and continued to change out of her clothes, then layed on her bed, immediatly falling asleep. 

𝒆𝒖𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒂 - 𝒌𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒂𝒆-𝒎𝒐𝒐Where stories live. Discover now