Story! Part 3

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The rainwater dripped off the edge of the cliff as we slowly ascended downward towards the cave entrance. After my fall we were more careful. I slid inside the cold cave. I was dripping wet. Even though I had on a warm rain coat, I was shivering. "Not the best time." Dec said as he slid in behind me. "No. We should have waited 'til summer." I replied shaking rain off me. "But we had to go now!" Jennsa says. "Your better and we have to go soon!" I sighed and looked up at the ceiling where crystal-like things hung. I wrapped my freezing arms around myself and followed Jennsa inward. The cold draft seemed to multiply the further we got. It chilled me to the bone. A flurry of wingbeats whizzed over my head. "Bats!" Jennsa exclaims. "Hopefully this doesn't get any worse." I mumble. "Ah!" Jennsa screams. I look ahead to see Jennsa slipping in the wet mud. I groan. I'm normally up for adventure but in something like this? Brrrrrrrrrrrrr. A little heat would help. "Jack look!" Jennsa says and points to a large carvern. Inside a chilly river flows. Jennsa walks up to it and puts her hand in. "Eeek!" She exclaimed jerking her hand out. I sigh deeply. When will she learn? "Jennsa, we are in a cold cave, outside is cold. Did you think the river would be warm?" I say. "There was a fish!" She complained. "A fish? WOW! I never would of thought there was!" I say. "What she means is Probaly it had no eyes." Dec says. "Yeah!" Jennsa says. "It was eyeless!" I look into the deepening gloom. "How do we get across the river?" I ask. "That would be a journey for another time." Dec says. "But..." Jennsa says. "We'll bring boats and more flashlight s next time." Dec says. He leads us out.

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