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So today after school (I go to this after school daycare thing), me and my freind were naming people in that club with names from The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit. I ended up as Gandalf, even though, I don't really like him...

My Freind Logan, was Gollum. (That's how it started. He acted like Gollum)

A teacher, Ms. Veronica, was Fili, (She is a girl...)

The head teacher, Ms. Greta, was the lady of the wood. (I can't seem to spell her name!!!)

Nolan (A little kid) was Frodo.

Benjamin/Benji was Biblo.

Keya was some random Dwarf.

Someone else was a Hobbit (We guessed probably a Took).

There was a few random men...

I think Reece was a Hobbit... (That wasn't really decided...)

Ms. Hannah (I think that's who) at one point was Sam, but that was changed to (I think) an Elf because she was tall.

I think that's it... OH WAIT!!!!!

Before Ms. Veronica was Fili she was a random Dwarf that lived in Gondor!!!!

Okay... Now that's it...

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